Oh my goodness where does the time go, really? I figured it would be no problem to post every day this week, I feel that I have lots of things to say, but the days keep getting away from me! And the months too I guess as my little sparkly pants has turned 10 months …
Monthly Archives: November 2009
A wonderful weekend
Thank you so much for all your kind and thoughtful comments about the live/work/baby balance. I appreciate them so much! I am seriously thinking of printing them out to have around when I feel overwhelmed again! As it happens a nice relaxed weekend is making me feel a lot better. We stocked up on safety …
The Day Job
I am trying to look on the bright side of the fact that only my mother had some advice for me on the last post. I guess it just means that it is hard and other work from home moms are trying to figure it out too, so if I come up with something brilliant …
I'm struggling to find it. My poor little Tuesday had sort of a rough day and it was all my fault. It started off with a bath gone wrong and she inhaled a bunch of water, even though I literally had my hands on her – man babies are slippery. Then later she sneezed up …
Just because you can’t see it doesn’t me you shouldn’t watch
This evening putting Tuesday to bed was going to be cake, CAKE! She was tired, she had finally pooped, the crib was really calling her name. So I took her upstairs, got her all ready and had some quiet play time. I nursed her and went to put her down. I was next to her …
Continue reading “Just because you can’t see it doesn’t me you shouldn’t watch”
The Details
Thanks for the love on Tuesday's costume. I had a whole other thing planned, and had already figured out part of that costume, but it involved Bj and I, and since we had to skip out on the party we were going to thanks to some sleepless nights I decided to scrap it. Then I …