Just a quick post to let you know that there are lots of yummy ribbon jars up in my shop! Here is a quick link. I'd like this to be a nice long post with interesting tidbits on brussle sprouts, pumpkins, and cool fall weather. But tutu got sick. We went from trying on clothes: …
Monthly Archives: October 2009
Pumpkin Patch
A good friend of mine runs a cute little pumpkin patch in Rickreall (corner of 99W and Orrs Corner Road – check it out!) so Bj and I took Tutu today to get her first pumpkin. Kathy has carts to load your picks up in, so we stuck Tuesday in it and set out to …
Eating it up
So Tuesday is on the full on two meals a day schedule. I should say two meals not at the breast, she still takes plenty of those. The little Wednesday market downtown is only going until the end of October, and the month seems to be flying by so I figured I should stock up …
Watching her stories
Ok she was really watching Bj, we don’t let her watch telly, but I thought it was so funny how Bj had her laying there I had to hand her the remote!
Working it
Bj just asked me if I was finished with all my work. I think that is something I could never fully say yes to, that's a problem with having your own business (and being the only employee). There is always something to work on. I did get lots done though, with my super special helper. …
Little Bear
This weekend was downright fabulous. We didn't even do that much. Baby food making with our friends Karen, Kathryn, and Kourtney. I love using this thing. There is something very zen about mushing up food. And I'm mushing up a lot of it, Tuesday has decided to start eating a ton. I don't have …
Crazy Hoodie Day
Tuesday and I decided that since she did so well last night (hooray!) today would be crazy hoodie day. Bj snapped a few pictures of us and I realized something. Oh my gosh it's me! I'm the one who taught her the crinkly nose thing. Bad mama.
The gong show to end all gong shows
Oh my I don't even know what the last 24 hours have been so insane. And I don't mean an itty bitty bit insane, an annoying tiny bit insane, but full on CRAZY. Let me back up. Last night I was sitting here in bed blogging, thinking, "Gosh you're so lucky Amber. Sleeping baby, plus …