Fall Festival

Early fall always seems so full, I think it's because everyone wants to squeeze the last little bit of summer in. Even though we had just gone up to the Flock and Fiber Festival the day before Tutu and I decided to go down to the Corvallis Fall Festival on Sunday. Oh we had so much fun! We met up with Erin and Sarah and walked around in my old college town. The day started out wonderfully by watching a bunch of little dancers making their debut:


Oh the cuteness. I can not wait to put a tutu on Tutu and get her dancing. Bj and I have been looking for a new piece of art for our house and as soon as I saw this I knew it was it. 


I'll come back and edit the post with the name of the artist, I'm upstairs blogging in bed right now πŸ™‚


I don't think any picture I take of it would do it justice. The layers of paint, just all the yumminess, I'm in love. I sent Bj a text with a picture and when he didn't answer right away (he was mowing the yard), I started freaking out thinking someone else was going to snag it. But it was meant to be. Oh and Sarah, yes, Bj loved it when I got home. I knew he would. Makes me want to get my butt back in the printmaking/painting/creating mood more than ever! And next by a lesser known artist:


Miss Sparkly Pants made her pottery painting debut. Erin was kind enough to snap a few shots of the process. Really easy, but the guy helping kept calling her "the subject" which was kind of weird.


I like this picture Erin took of Tuesday, can you see her little teeth bumps?


They are there! We picked up another little toy from our favorite local wooden toy maker, and finally found a local source for a wooden bowl. 


Tuesday loves both. Right now when I feed Tutu I just put her food in a little custard dish and keep it on the table so she can't reach it. I've tried giving her some finger foods, but so far that has ended badly (poor thing threw up one time and choked the other). We only started solids about a month and a half ago, so I'm sure she'll get the hang of it eventually. She already drinks really well at least. One of her cutest new tricks:


Oh, fine, you want a video? πŸ™‚

Haha, the burping was cracking me up (obviously). Sarah knit her the bib, and Sciarrino the hat – handknits will not get wasted in this house! When I was a the market today I gave Tutu a little taste of my split pea soup. I decided not to give her any more and she freaked her freak out, so I decided it was time to start giving her a second meal a day. This was one of her first lunches.

So that was the fall festival (with a little tangent on Tuesday's eating habits). It was a beautiful day!

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  1. Oh man, she makes feeding time look fun! That pottery guy was strange, he kept calling her “it” as well. That’s awesome you found the perfect painting, and I know what you mean about being inspired. I went home and immediately ordered an electric tjanting tool…I’m hoping it will “change my life” like it did for Lisa Telling Kattenbraker.

  2. yes, that guy was weird. i heard the “it” too. i didn’t her him call her “the subject” though. very strange. oh well…the plate is ADORABLE. the painting looks fabulous! i’m so glad you were able to get it, so beautiful! and miss tuesday and her food – SO cute. i agree with ceara…those faces at the beginning are so cute. and i loved the burps! ha!
    p.s. the bib strap is kind of long, huh? it was hard to know without trying it on. feel free to move the button! πŸ™‚

  3. She is so adorable! it’s fun to be able to check in to see the changes while we’re gone! Love you!

  4. That bib and hat are amazing!! All of those knitting skills in one group of friends? You are so lucky! I also LOVE the painting! LOVE. The video is great. I feel like I am right there feeding Tuesday with you. She is so adorable. I can’t beleive she is drinking out of a cup! Holy cow she is going to be your “little girl” soon instead of your “little baby girl”. Thank you for sharing all of the adorable stories and pictures along the way!

  5. Hi Sarah,
    I’m excited too, now I just need to find some time to actually create something! But I have some ideas for some small projects, so hopefully I’ll be able to squeeze them in as relaxation time.

  6. Okay this is too funny–my good friend and cowoker has her daughter dancing in that class–the’s the one girl you can barely see in the picture because of another little girl. Too cute.
    That painting looks great, and her hand print is adorable!
    As far as food goes, she’ll always let you know what she wants πŸ˜‰

  7. too cute πŸ™‚ her expressions are awesome! If you are looking for some early finger foods – I totally think the Geber Puffs – they have a whole slew of flavors now- are worth the splurge. As our moms gave us cheerios as our first finger foods…these are so much better. Why you ask *chuckling* not that they are superb in the nutrional sense…but that they dissolve really quickly when they get wet. My first son would forget to chew, lots of food drama because of it. But come to think of it he hardly chews now, and when you hand him food his first instinct is still to go with his mouth first. My second son had more issues with gagging – these were great for him as they dissolved fast enough that he got a quick try at something solid but it wasn’t overwhelming.
    I love this stage – it is just so darn fun to see what things they like and don’t like! And the faces they make so priceless!

  8. omg let me first just say I am so glad you are blogging again, I mean, not that you ever went away away but you know, back on a more regular basis. i just love all the fiber stuff and of course that little doll tutu. I loved the video! drinking from a cup, what a champ!

  9. Awe thanks, I always feel better when I get back to the daily life stuff. It’s easy how fast life can go and if you don’t stop to remember somethings, well, they might be gone forever!

  10. YES. try them! cables are easy and they look so pretty! πŸ™‚
    maybe try it out on that bib pattern first? i can demonstrate at our next craft day.

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