Carmen and I always pine that we can not craft together as we live so far apart. She has sent me things she's made and I've made her things and sent them, so I know she is being crafty. Just not with me, boo! While I was at her house she showed me this awesome …
Monthly Archives: August 2009
Sweet Sundays
Today was a lovely day, much lovelier than the night that proceeded it. Let's just say me cutting out diet coke + giving Tuesday some solids does not make her sleep better, but much much worse. I knew the solids and sleep thing was a myth, as our doctor told us, but now I really …
In the swing of things
When we took the train ride to Seward we had most of the day to hang out in the town before heading back to Anchorage. Seward is a small town but lucky for us they had an awesome new park. I saw a mom pushing a baby in a swing and I hadn't even thought …
Old and Unwanted
This morning I left the little peanut with Bj and Sarah and I went out thrifting. Unfortunately there were not many great sales, and no estate sales, boo! Fortunately I can scrounge (and so can Sarah), so we found some fun things. I didn't get anything on my looking list, but that is more of …
I have a few separate posts planned about our trip, but first a pictorial overview. Kenai Lake (good thing you posted the name of it on your blog Carmen!) Carmen and I on kayaks, first time, I loved it! Carmen and Chloe, me and Tutu. Early morning train ride, sunglasses for the sunrise (it was …
4 years and 3 months later…
I finally got a badge for my shop put up on my blog (oh and when did I first blog about it? Back in the blogging stone ages). And I didn't even do it, Bj did because HE IS THE BEST. He even made it extra cool so roll your mouse on over there and …
Seven Months
Oh my sweet, sweet baby I can't believe you are seven months old (yesterday). Time really has flown by. Everyones says it will, but it's not until you're uploading a couple of years worth of pictures from your iPhone and each one passes for a millisecond that you really realize it. I had to do …
And the winner is…
I used to generate the winner and it is: Lynne S said… How clever! Love how the punches can make a border! Lynn I've sent you an email to get your address, be on the look out for it! Thanks everyone for playing.
Punch Giveaway… or I still at least think about scrapbooking
I know, I've been the bad scrapbooker. And to that I say, thank goodness for this blog to keep the wonderful memories of this first year of mamahood fresh in my mind. I been playing around a little bit though and one thing I love are these punches. Sarah got me hooked on them and …
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