
In the craziness that is the universe my incredibly cute and tiny god daughter turned into a cute and slightly larger person this weekend, she turned three! I can not believe it, I mean I can, but boy, oh boy did that go quickly. 

Six months-23
Little Miss Sweet as Pie decided to she wanted to come down and go on the carousel. That sounded good to us since we had never taken Tutu before. As soon as we pulled up she was talking up a storm, "the carousel, it's starting!" Okay toddler voices, ahhhh do they not just kill you with their sweetness? Tutu and I opted for a seat on the wagon instead of a moving horse:
Six months-11
She loved it, really enjoying the colors, lights, mirrors, all of it. We walked out to a big old acid ball that has been covered in tiles to look like the earth:
Six months-13
I have got to stop sticking out my stomach like this, I always do it so I can kind of set Sparkly Pants on it, bad habit. Must start finding stomach muscles and sucking them in! Anyway we ate some cupcakes at a picnic table, where Tutu practiced her standing skills:
Six months-14
She loves to stand, but just today she started wanting to sit a little bit too. I think maybe she doesn't have enough chunk on her to hold her up (her six month check up was Monday: 13 pounds even, 25 inches tall). Any we played around on the playground some. I love running around the playground, and V is at such a fun age, she wanted to try everything. I should offer to take an older kid to the playground once a week – that's a good workout! After another trip around the carousel V opened up her present from us. I was going to do this complicated picnic blanket and set of picnic stuff, but I found this and knew it would be perfect:
Six months-27
Was I ever right, V loved her. She's got lots of "dollies" at home and I Michele told me that all the way back in the car she was talking about how her new dolly was going to be friends with her old dollies. I know Tutu and V are 2.5 years apart, but I think once they are a little bit older they are going to be best of friends too. 

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  1. It looks like you had so much fun…one question, who are you sitting next to on the carousel? You look cozy ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Where is little V’s face? And 13 pounds! How cute is that? Can you even imagine weighing 13 pounds!

  3. I didn’t get a good shot, and I forgot to ask her mom if she still wants her picture out there now that she is looking more like who she will look like as a person, you know?

  4. i can’t believe v is three! time flies.
    that barbie is awesome + i love the look on tutu’s face.
    she looks like she wants a barbie right now too! ๐Ÿ™‚
    p.s. i mailed you a check yesterday. i’m sorry i was so delinquent ๐Ÿ™
    i wrote it + then completely spaced mailing it. should arrive today.

  5. How big is she now, and how much younger than Tutu exactly? She is quite the little petite one – but at 6 months I was only 12 pounds 2 ounces, so she has me beat!

  6. She’ll be four months in two weeks. Yikes that time is going by fast!! On Monday at my nursing group she weighed 10 lbs. 12.5 oz. She’s only been gaining 4-5 oz. a week for awhile now. I know that’s at the minimum end of things. I keep wanting her to pump up a little more so that they don’t suggest formula for weight gain!!

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