Old Ideas

I have tons of ideas floating around in my brain, culled from blogs, magazines, etc. A few days ago I finally reached up in that foggy space and grabbed some of them. They are all very easy. I have seen this arrangement of frames in many design idea books, but I sent Bj to Ikea and he found some colorful frames and help me finish off the artwork section of Tutu's room:

I didn't bother framing the record sleeve or invitation to my baby shower, I just stuck them on the wall with double sided foam tape. We have one more awesome print to get framed, and are going to look for another to fill in the bottom space at the art fair this weekend. On the other side of the window:
A framed paper sample from Sciarrino (one of her graphic designer perks). Tuesday loves this and will twist around to see it when she's on her changing table. In my craft room I finally pulled apart a few Foster Art Guides and framed them up simply:
But when I went to hang them I had a springy nail problem. Anyone with lathe and plaster get this? I don't know what I kept hitting but after six holes in the wall I called it a day, we'll bring in the experts (Bj) tomorrow.
I got this idea from a photojojo newsletter a long time ago. 

And speaking of jars… I have finally re-instated custom jars. I know a lot of people have been asking about them, but I wanted to make sure I could get the turn around time down to a couple of days, so that custom orders didn't take weeks to get out. Seeing as how I now have baby fun zone down in the work area:
I am able to make this happen. I have been getting re-energized about Ribbon Jar with my machine, and Tuesday's love of anything ribbon or tag like. More ideas coming soon with my pretties. Right now I do want to let you know I'm clearancing out the jars that are in stock now, as well as the spring fling paper kit. Lots of yummy goodies in there so check it out. 

Unrelated, but I have an old Franklin Covey planner and storage binder I'd like to see if anyone wants before I give it to goodwill. It's the classic size (and needs a refill), and in the most wonderful pea soup green color that I love so much:
It is well loved, but still I think awesome. If you'd put it to good use let me know and I'd be happy to send it to you. snapped up, thanks!

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  1. I can say first hand Tuesday’s room looks great, even cuter with a perfect little girl in it! And I second the “kid-friendly” work space! It’s such a fun place to hang out and you get to work there too:)!

  2. love the kid friendly ribbon jar land! 🙂 is that her new jump-up hanging from the ceiling? genius! and miss tuesdays room is looking great with all that fun art on the walls!
    ugh…lathe + plaster. “springy nails” is the perfect description! i hate that! so, 99% of the time i pre-drill a hole with a teeny tiny drill bit to start the nail. or i just use screws.

  3. I remember when you got that planner! You were so excited! I actually think of you everytime I see one! I guess technology won out over green leather. Also I love the picture frames. They are so colorful, and perfectly laid out! Maybe you can help me decorate while you are here! I know Chloe would appreciate it!

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