But we already have a diaper bag…

Bj was a little confused when I told him this diaper bag was for us:

A girl's gotta have options! The pattern is Amy Butler's Nappy Bag and I love it! It is huge, yes, but it holds lots. An added bonus is using up my plethora of Hawaiian fabric I got the day Bj proposed. Does it look familiar? I'll send you a piece of it if you're the first one to guess why (mom, Sciarrino, Bj – don't give it away!). Agnes figured it out. I used it for curtains in the lower level (before it was demolished and put back together in a different configuration). Anyway I finished this up last night. Oh how I love my new machine. It made sewing a breeze. Also helpful was this new tool:
A handle for my acrylic grid ruler. I wish I had one of these when I was teaching Emilie, I kept thinking she was going to off one of her fingers. The inside of the bag:
I ended up only doing one bottle pocket so I could keep those two larger ones on the left. The other side with the pocket looks like this:
You can see my modification steps here. In the bag in this example I have a blanket, diaper cover, cloth diaper, dirty diaper bag, 2 burp rags, a couple of toys, a spare outfit, water spray bottle, cloth wipes, natural hand sanitizer, changing pad, lap pad, sun hat, shopping bag, digital camera, and extra nursing pads. Oh and teething tablets and a pad (for mama, but so far no aunt flow – stay away I say!). 

I used it today during our adventures with grandma:
We spent seven hours in Portland, and it was still very hot. We did a good job of keeping her cool, being in air conditioning 99% of the time, and letting her suck on an ice cube (wrapped in a napkin with a rubber band – a great trick!). Plus grandma couldn't resist and got her this new dress. She did SO AWESOME. She was quite the little shopping pal. If I had a nickel for everytime someone told me she has the brightest eyes, or is the most alert baby… This was just caught during some brief down time ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway the diaper bag was great. I loved carrying it, and it stowed easily under the carriage as well. I give the pattern two thumbs up!

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  1. Correction: That diaper bag is for YOU. Looks a little too girly for Bj to be carrying around, if you ask me! But it’s perfectly cute for you. Very stylish!

  2. Great Bag! And Tuesday will definitely be able to do more “girls day out” she’s a sweetie!

  3. that bag is awesome! i love how much you can carry in it!
    and miss tuesday looks adorable all tuckered out in her new dress!
    she looks like she’s grown a little taller than the last time i saw you two?

  4. it’s a beautiful bag. we use a big one that’s kind of trashed. we also use a patemm pad portable changing pad that fits in the big one when we need it all and just use the patemm for short trips. do you know if it’s big enough for holding a portable changing pad that holds a few wipes etc. ? like having a bag that big.

  5. Did you use it in her crib bumper? It doesn’t look like it, but I don’t have time to inspect all your pictures (working ๐Ÿ˜‰
    That diaper bag is super cute. I have a few Amy Butler patterns I need to make. 1 bag and some cushions…

  6. ha! i was thinking that earlier today too! hmmmmm. maybe i’ll have to make it next craft day instead of or in addition to pillows? crap. you’re such a bad influence! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. You are so right!! Whoo hoo. And if you would like me to send you some (a lot or a little, I still have a whole panel cut into if you could use a bigger piece), email me your address and I’d be happy to send you some (my email link is in the top right). The fabric is a great lightweight cotton, that has the design screen printed, I love it and would love to share it!

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