All new sleep methods

Bj and I have been having fun putting Tuesday to sleep lately. You read that correctly, FUN. We’ve instituted family quiet time up in her room before bed and she loves it. I love it. Bj loves it. We play with little bells, a xylophone, and other favorite toys. We also read her at least one story. We added a fun new feature called “not nursing her to sleep.” It doesn’t always go as planned:

Oh man we were laughing so hard. She just starts trying to suck my face off, my shirt, arm, or anything else she can get her mouth on. 

Last night I tried a completely different approach:
Popcorn, Diet Dr. Pepper and a movie! Well, not so much with the tasty treats, but the good friends and movie part. I took Tuesday for a girl’s night at the drive in. I love our local drive in, and when Sciarrino invited me to go I figured “what’s the worse that could happen?” I also had the thought that I might not otherwise get to see Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince for a very very long time. So we loaded her up, lots of toys and other baby goodies and headed to Dallas. She fell asleep before the movie even really started. I wore my nursing pillow and sat in the back of the CRV. After I nursed her (and nursed her and nursed her). I just kept her on my lap where she slept. The only time she got upset was on the way home, she did not like being in her carseat after a nice mama lap siesta. As an added bonus to a late night at the drive in we slept in until 9:45, um, SCORE! 

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  1. Okay that video totally cracked me up. Don’t you love it when they are supposed to be going to sleep, yet have the giant smile on their face. Like they are so much smarter than we are… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. That smile is amazing! I love how she turns all the way around to look at BJ too. Very cute. Also what are the odds you would put up that drive in movie photo. I was just telling Andrew how cool that place was. They dont have drive ins here because it doesn’t get dark at night. And in the winter it is too cold and snowy. What a bummer. Drive ins are the best.

  3. We just dropped bedtime feedings about 2 months ago. It’s been a nice change of pace for me to just lay him down for bed. Of course we still have one or two middle of the night nursings…and first things nursings when i’m too tired to get out of bed and fetch milk. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I tell ya, the best thing is seeing them on the floor reading their books. I have read to Brice from the start and for months now he’s gone to his bookshelf and pulled books off and read to himself throughout the day. There is nothing I love seeing more right now.

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