Making Tuesday Look HUGE

Are these two little peanuts:
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Karen's beautiful twin (fraternal) girls. On the left is Kourtney, on the right Kathryn.
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Tuesday and I spent yesterday over there "helping out" I use that term loosely, though I did bring food. My almost, but not quite 12 pounder is such a big bright eyed baby now! I notice all the little things she does, but seeing her next to these babies really showed me how much she's changed. She was about the same size as Kathryn when she was newborn.
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That's Kathryn, Karen and I think that she and Tuesday might be bestest friends soon, as they seem to have similar personalities.
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Little Kourtney is just mellow, mellow, mellow. This is the first picture of her with her (so pretty almost purple) eyes open.
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Seeing Karen in that newest part of motherhood made me so happy. She has a wonderful fun spirit, and I know she is going to be (and IS being) a great mother. Snuggling with Tuesday and letting her nurse as long as she wanted tonight until her sucks were little flutters I'm just amazed with Karen and her girls. At only 18 days old we even loaded up our strollers and went out for a walk. I feel so lucky to know so many amazing women who are having or have just had babies. Lucky Tuesday to have so many little friends so soon.
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Now Chloe we're just waiting on you, come out, come out!

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  1. Aw! Adorable!!
    There was a mom at my breast feeding group last week with a three-day old! It’s crazy how quickly they grow out of that “newborn” stage!! And…I think moms of twins are my heroes. I have trouble with just one!!

  2. I also LOVE the last picture! The little diapered bottoms are so adorable!! All of the pictures are amazing though, you have mastered lighting. Every single photo looks professional! Those little girls are so cute!

  3. I can see them all running through the grass in summer dresses chasing Lochlan… the times they’ll have!

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