Just because it was sunny

I had an idea to take pictures of Tutu in her birthday suit. But thought better of since you never know when the girl is going to pee.  She doesn't normally wear these diapers, they are like back up emergency ones. But they do the trick.
She loves to eat her hands.
Ah silly girl, I think she was saying something here.

Okay so that was a pretty  pointless post, but the grandparents might go nuts if I waited another day to post pictures of Tuesday. ๐Ÿ™‚ I have lots planned for this weekend, we'll see how that goes. Oh and I did want to mention that I just sent off my fiber for the second round of the swap. Someone else took over for me this round and fiber must be in by the 31st if you want to play. This is the yumminess I got last time, it really is a fun grab bag of fibers.

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  1. Hi! I just found your blog on google.com. Our blogs have the same name.
    In what state in America do you live?
    Very nice pictures. Are they twins or firends?

  2. Never tire of the cuteness! We Grandparents love seeing pictures of our girl!

  3. I love your title. I’m like that with Miri. I take pictures because it’s sunny out. And because it’s cloudy out. And for any other reason I can think of. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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