Tummy Time

I've been not so great at doing tummy time with Tuesday, and was feeling pretty guilty about that. I finally found a place to do it that she seems to like, by putting her on our bed and sitting on the floor in front of her. I do it other times as well, but this definitely gives me the cutest view.
Tummy time-2
Hi Tuesday! Look how strong you are.
Tummy time-3
And what cute noises you make.
Tummy time-6
What's that?
Tummy time-9
You love puppies? Who doesn't my love, who doesn't?

She seems to have survived the lack of tummy time. And this mama will do better now that I have it figured out!

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  1. She is just too cute for words!!! But what is tummy time? Never heard of it… I’m glad that you do it, though. Tummy time = Great pictures!!

  2. She really is so expressive with her face – and that smile is priceless ! Enjoy this time with her – my son is 17 (almost 18) and has just enlisted in the Marines – seems like just yesterday I was watching him have Tummy Time !

  3. Tuesday, please inform your momma that you have an ear piercing appointment scheduled for April 21 at Claire’s (Salem Center) at noon. If it’s a nice day lets stroller it on over there! kisses!

  4. Tuesday is simply the cutest little morsel I have ever laid eyes on. I could just eat her up. How do you stand it? She is so cute I want to buy a ticket to come and meet you all in person. Too bad the cost is more than I can handle. I guess I will just have to be satisfied with your awesome photos.
    Have a groovy weekend.

  5. Ear Peircing… um No… let her make that decision when she is old enough to decide! It’s a right of passage for a young girl to get to decide these things!

  6. I can always count on your pictures of Tuesday to make me smile! She is too cute! Is that ‘green’ behind her in these a painted wall?? Love the color! If so and you know the color I would love for you to share it!! I am looking for a green for my dining room and that one looks delicious!! dmv0909 at optonline dot net! Thanks!

  7. I’m with Julie on the ear piercing, her little body is absolutely perfect just the way it is.

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