So today I had over a group of my mom's friends that we've known for a long time. Of course I wanted Tuesday to look her best so I asked Bj what she should wear. Her little dress, he said. But as I mentioned on the last post finding cool little tights hasn't been easy. …
Monthly Archives: February 2009
The knitter in me can’t help herself.
Tuesday is briefly letting me off the hook, I just laid her down (about 15 minutes ago so she should be ready to hang out again any second now… just kidding I've got Enya blasting). I have a sure fire way to get her to conk out, if ever so briefly: swaddle her, plop her …
Princess Sparkly Pants get in her groove
Yesterday Tuesday did so great. My little bird, Bj and I went to my mom's to watch the Superbowl eat snacks and watch commercials. Bill, his mom and my step brother Taylor were also there so I had to take advantage of baby holding. It got a couple laughs but I brought the little sweater …