Lots of Pictures… you’ve been warned.

My sweet baby girl decided to give us a wonderfully relaxing weekend, with lots of naps and sleeping in. I attribute that all to this:

Near constant eating. Seriously, and you can tell she's gotten so much bigger!

(more of this series to come, we were having lots of fun with her tonight). She still is, of course very tiny because she's a baby! Six weeks old yesterday, craziness.

Her first sink bath. She loved it, of course, she's a water nut.

Tiny feet. Okay I'm officially not on any topic for this post, just Tuesday love.

My favorites from tonight:

and then…

He always gets her to smile like this.

But I bet I can get you to smile like that:

What? I was doing it for scale. ๐Ÿ™‚

Okay I cut that down from 30 pictures (which I cut down from the 100s I've taken this weekend). I don't think I'll ever get over that this is my daughter and that she is so fantastic! I love her little personality and just seeing her change everyday, it's the most wonderful thing.

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  1. seriously I worry that you will think I am some weirdo b/c I am always saying how cute your baby girl is but she is too cute! And the towel in the sink—brillant. I’ve never seen that believe it or not. keep those pics coming….nothing cures the blues like baby pics!

  2. I can totally understand having to choose from 100s of photos! It’s so hard sometimes. I’ve got 3 kids now and it’s even worse. Keep taking them though! (And sharing of course!)

  3. she is the sweetest!!! love how BJ makes her smile and you as well I am sure. Love her stripe green outfit, she looks so pretty in greens ๐Ÿ™‚

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