Ebbs and Flows

It's strange that the good and bad days in my life right now are so tied to sleep. We go from wake up happiness:

To insane tiredness:

And everything else in between in the course of a day. I realize more and more how much I need other people to help me, and that can be a hard thing to figure out when you're like me and want to do it all. There is no way I can. Today lunch was brought to me, my mom came over to take my packages to the post office, and I called a neighbor to hold Tuesday so I could fix dinner since Bj was still at work. I also got Tuesday to take a 20 minute nap (not on me) and did a little spinning. I think those tiny bits of me time are going to be my sanity. Back to the photo journal of my day.

New toy. She will play with this for five minutes by herself, but half an hour or more if you shake it and talk to her about all the parts. She really is getting so social! Also I love this sweater my mom knit her. She has been the spit up queen lately (Tuesday, not my mom), so I have a tub full of woolens to wash tomorrow.
New bobbin-1

The first bobbin is finished, now on the second, hoping to get a third done and make a true 3-ply (fiber from Squoosh). Now that we're using the sling I can do a little more on the computer. I was able to stock the Hello Yarn update and got a few things.
Mini and me-2

And when my mom stopped by she brought her new camera! Not bad considering the lack of sleep and make up!

Well I'm going to go try to get this little bird to sleep!

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  1. Having such a spirited child definitely gives huge lessons in humility and the importance of asking for help. It’s so cliche but true that your priorities will adjust and you will start to let go of the control with certain things. I’ve learned so much about the importance of community since my daughter was born and value my true friends even more.

  2. I laughed out loud when this page loaded thanks to that first pic! Thank you! Some days are certainly easier and more fun than others, but just hang in there! I think you are doing a terrific job of asking for help when you need it, knowing that you need sleep just as much as Miss Tuesday, and just taking care of yourself as well in general. Hang in there! And thanks for the wonderful pics!

  3. Oh man, you know I would be over there every day to help you and see your little one if I could!! Let me know what I can help you with while in Vermont 🙂
    p.s. your baby girl is so adorable and getting so big. Love her smile!!

  4. She always looks so alert! She just looks like a baby that doesn’t like sleep. I am planning on bringing you guys dinner and helping out if I can. I’m looking at either the 18th or the 26th or 27th of March. I’ll be in touch to see if these dates work for you.

  5. Oh, man, reading your blog is making the memories come flooding back. I totally remember when my days revolved around lack of sleep and desperation for when I was going to get my next nap. You do look great, sweetie. And your little Tuesday is obviously bright and alert and growing and healthy. Keep sneaking those fun things in for yourself. You have to keep your sanity some how!!

  6. Boy, I remember those days of little sleep! I know you’ve heard this a hundred times, but it does get better and one day you’ll long for those infant days because they grow so quickly!
    You look fabulous and Tuesday is a doll. She always looks so alert!
    P.S.-The play table you asked about over on my blog is made by Little Colorado. You have to purchase the drawer set separately. It’s been worth every penny! Link– http://www.littlecolorado.com/stock41.html

  7. Amber if that is you with no sleep and no make-up, I have no hope!
    You look fabulous and Tuesday is simply too adorable for words.
    So glad you are able to have people helping you out here and there. So nice.

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