Oh no, I’m going to be one of those people

Another picture heavy post, because ack! I have a baby and I think it's the cutest! Also she took a three hour boob break today which made me feel awesome! I completely re-organized the Ribbon Jar side of the basement. Of course Bj had to do this the whole time:
But you know, I think that's a fair trade off. My little girl was so much happier after some rest.

And so were we!

(I solved the no pants fit problem… these are supposed to be shorts.)

Check out those booties (thanks again Stacey). I want to see if I can whip up a pair in time for her to wear them to a wedding we're going to Saturday.

Variations on the theme of "I can't believe she fits in the chair this way and I know she won't for long"

In my defense grandparents do read this blog 🙂

Oh and Bj learned something by watching that video yesterday:

Calmness my friends.

Telling her secrets. I did over hear him saying that he would buy her a pony if she was quiet in the middle of the night a few nights ago.

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  1. Did I mention how absolutely adorable Tuesday is? I just can’t get over how much she changes everyday!

  2. That is one adorable baby! SERIOUSLY!
    I also love the blanket she is wrapped in, what fabric is that?

  3. amber, love the pictures, keep them coming! and I am remembering swaddled babies who don’t want to sleep. eep! you are bringing back those newborn memories! she’s just adorable!

  4. Awesome pictures! How do you get the ones when she is so alert? (I seem to have missed most of those in my babies.*pout*) At least BJ didn’t clarify which kind of pony he would buy her. (Because you know at sometime in her life she will read this *grin* or her grandparents will tell her her dad said as such….*grin* hopefully a “My Little Pony” will work!) Thank you for sharing your photos. Cool. And she has a lot of hair – lucky girl!

  5. She is a doll. And she looks SOOOO happy ! I think you’re doing great with her – if you had time to brush your hair for these pictures, you’re well ahead of the game !

  6. Amber- I have followed your blog for a while now, I love the changes you have made to your home- it is so cute- but your cutests achievement has got to be Miss Tuesday. She is adorable. Her Daddy telling her a secret reminded me of when we brought our son home- Our five year old daughter was holding him on the couch and I was around the corner and overheard her telling her brother how much she loved him and that she was his real mommy! Somehow- even though he is three now and awful about messing with her stuff- she is still so in love. Blessings on your sweet family!

  7. how cute about BJ promising her a pony…
    but be careful. the first time i held my now 14 year old cousin, she was just 4 hours old…one of the things i whispered in her ear was “you can never have too many shoes.” to this day that girl is a shoe fanatic! LOL! Now, i’m sure that’s just being a girl…but you can never be too careful 😉
    that’s the way we hold babies in my family! on your arm on their tummy. they LOVE it and it’s quite comfortable to do that while wandering the house doing stuff.

  8. don’t ever feel like you’re posts are too picture heavy…keep ’em coming baby!! Wow this is three comments in a row from me now…you must think I’m a stalker – truth be told my little guy is finally able to entertain himself for more that five minutes and I’m actually able to comment on some of my favourite sites! Quick question…where did you find that lovely fabric for her blanket…it makes me happy and second, did you make your throw pillow or did you buy it?
    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…SHE’S LOVELY!! OH…and if you would like the BEST BEST BEST bootie pattern ever, e-mail me and I’ll type it out for you.

  9. She is so (expletive) cute!!!! UGH!!! And keep those pictures coming!!! No such thing as too many pics of little miss Tuesday!

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