It’s a girl!


We're so excited to welcome our new little one! She was born at 1:04pm on January 10th into the water and papa's arms. She weighs 7 pounds 4 ounces, and is 20 inches long. Mama and baby are resting and doing great. We are getting to know our new daughter and will let you know when we are ready for visitors and phone calls. Thank you for giving us this time with our new little one.

Birth story and many more pictures to come!

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  1. She is beautiful!!! And totally looks like you when you were little. Congratulations, I can’t wait to meet her πŸ™‚

  2. I’m so happy for you BJ and Amber.
    What an adorable little girl.
    Blessings on all three of you!

  3. Congratulations!!!!!!!! Weren’t we just emailing and talking and you say you’re going to bed and what happens? A baby comes! she is beautiful! can’t WAIT for birth story, more photos and her NAME!

  4. Aw sweetie, she’s BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! I’m so happy for you and your new baby girl!!! Can’t wait to hear a name and all of that! I couldn’t be happier for you!

  5. Congratulations!!! We both are really happy for you. She is beautiful. New Princess has arrived! πŸ™‚

  6. Congratulations!!! We both are really happy for you. She is beautiful. New Princess has arrived! πŸ™‚

  7. What a sweet baby – congratulations to all three of you!
    And for the parents: Be ready for rediscovering the world step by step through the eyes of your child!

  8. Oh my, I was so surprised to see her – I have been waiting and then there she is. She is beautiful! Congratulations! Would you think I am a stalker – if I asked for your address, I stumbled accross just a little girly knitted thing this morning, I would love to send you for her. If you are comfortable – send me your address at my e-mail foppersATcharterDOT. For the record, I work for the Department of Corrections, so totally get it is you think I nuts, because I supervise those people:) Enjoy these moments!

  9. Yeah! Congrats she is so sweet! Truly take this time and enjoy ever minute you can because it will go by way to fast!

  10. Congratulations! The fun parts starts now *grin* – instead of sleeping and resting up – you will find yourself just staring at her – for hours. Its amazing. Congratulations to you both πŸ™‚

  11. congratulations!
    i have been following right along throughout this pregnancy and i want to wish you all the best during these first few days! she is precious!! πŸ™‚

  12. She’s sooooo beautiful! Sort of reminds me of my beautiful daughter! We’re all looking forward to spoiling her with lots of love!

  13. awwwwwe she’s here!
    and so fast! You were just posting about having to wait, wait, wait.
    Well, I guess it was fast to me… I’m not the one having a baby!

  14. Welcome to the world baby girl and mazel tov Amber and BJ!!! What a lovely week end you must be having!!

  15. Amber and BJ!!! I am so so so happy for you!! Although I was hoping I might “win” the race to find out what I was was having before you πŸ™‚ She is absolutely adorable! I am just so happy for you!! It is awesome that you have a little girl! Wahoo!! I guess that girly dress buying (on the down low) paid off!! See BJ it was totally practical! I am just thrilled! She is so lucky to have you two as parents! We are so happy for you!

  16. Amber and BJ Congratulations!!!! So cute and a knitted hat! I can’t wait for the story and pictures.I am so excited for you both.

  17. been following your blog for quite some time but have never left a comment until now. Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby girl. Enjoy every moment, they grow up before you realize it.

  18. Congratulations, she is adorable……..out of the blue while doing laundry I just had a HUNCH that you had your baby, I clicked in and there she was!

  19. Your little gal is so incredibly cute. Congrats again! When you are ready, and if you are willing, please tell more about the water birth. Well done! =)

  20. Congratulations! She is beautiful! Enjoy your time with her. It is so precious, those first few days and weeks as you learn about each other and figure out the routine.

  21. Wishing you all the best! I’ve read your blog for awhile now and finally had to comment. I’m so happy for you both. Congratulations! πŸ™‚

  22. Amber and BJ, congratulations, she’s beautiful. However, it’s a pity she chose the worst day of the year (10th) to appear. That’s the longest possible time until my birthday (9th)! πŸ™‚

  23. OMG. I’m so happy to see this. Congrats to two wonderful people on your most beautiful little girl. I can so see you both in her. Hugs!

  24. I’m just back to say congrats again…and…I’m going crazy waiting to hear all about her! I am becoming a blog stalker (well, more than I was before) because I check for updates like five times a day! I hope all is well with the new family!

  25. Congrats!!! I’m a little late to the partay, but came here while linking someone else to your amazingness and then proceeded to burst into tears while i was video chatting with her!
    what a precious little girl!! i’m so happy for you guys!! and i LOVE her name! is it my imagination Amber or does she totally have your eyes?
    enjoy–can’t WAIT to follow along and watch your family flourish…

  26. Congrats!!! I’m a little late to the partay, but came here while linking someone else to your amazingness and then proceeded to burst into tears while i was video chatting with her!
    what a precious little girl!! i’m so happy for you guys!! and i LOVE her name! is it my imagination Amber or does she totally have your eyes?
    enjoy–can’t WAIT to follow along and watch your family flourish…

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