Baby and house goodness

Ah this is a relief:

So much better, and exactly what I was thinking. I will have to buy two boxes of tile, but at least they are some of the cheapest tiles known to man. That's as high as they can go in one day because the tiles can only hold each other up so much. Love it! Ironically I'll rarely shower in here, but still.

I've been knitting:
A little baby cocoon (more pictures and details on Ravelry)! It's only 21 inches long from bottom to top of back so hopefully I can squeeze my newborn in it for a few pictures. It's mainly an aesthetic garment. And totally NOT my idea, these are all over Etsy. I winged the pattern (read didn't use a pattern at all and just started knitting), it was really fun. It might be too small, but that's okay I'll just give it to V to play with. Plus I have enough of this yarn to make a regular person sized one (okay not quite, but almost!).

I also finally blocked another one of those tri-peak hats:

(details on Ravelry). I would like to point out again that these hats have no decreasing! So easy, and a free pattern.

My next project might have to be spinning up some of the yumminess I got in the mail yesterday from Hello Yarn:

I love the fiber club. I am so glad I got doubles.

It's always fun to get mail, especially when it's super exciting things like nursing bras… but wait! The Baby Center store is closing so I had a moment of weakness:

Ah the cuteness kills me! And the whole outfit was less than the price of the shoes regularly ($28.20), so like I had to right? Bj thinks no, but hey I can always return it (or save it…). Also I'd wear those Mary Janes in my size. Oh I was going to link to the site to share, but they've already closed (they still take returns), glad I stumbled onto that sale. The store is now called (but they have everything, not just diapers… looks like they have some deals, but not on Zutano and no See Kai Run).

I guess this means I have to do the other stuff on my do to list now, the non-knitting stuff, bummer! Also, I think maternity leave was made for a reason. I made my first ever really stupid mistake on a Ribbon Jar order (left out a whole envelope of ribbon out of the package) and had to overnight it to the person (she needed it to differentiate puppies of a litter, awe). Then I took on a special order I should have said no to (but the pleas for ribbon are hard to ignore sometime) and that got to the person a day late, stupid post office. I am trying now to take. my. time. And learn to say no. 🙂

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