
Once your house gets ripped apart it's the waiting for it to be put back together that seems to drag on and on. Today things really seem to be turning more towards that putting back, and I am so grateful. First of all that arch that I've missed, it's back!

He asked me if it looked like it did before, and I looked for pictures, but turns out I need to zoom out more when I shoot the house. This was the closest I could find (looking back through the my cottage category makes me miss the tidiness so badly). I think it's the same. It looks good to me. The other thing the master sheet-rocker is doing? Patching all of those "oops" holes people have been making ALL OVER THE HOUSE. Turns out it's hard to get between these old walls.

Hey look there's one right behind the computer screen. This makes me so happy because they "leak" dust and I don't like dust. I know dust is usually mainly skin cells and stuff, but I bet 99% of the dust in my house right now is pure plaster baby. The rest of the upstairs is starting to really take shape too:

We passed plumbing inspection upstairs so the green board (sheet rock treated to resist moisture) is going up in the bathrooms (here the kid's bathroom). The bad news? We didn't pass in the basement. The drain did not have enough fall so that can't be covered yet. The plumber says he'll be back right away (or he said he would two hours ago, I haven't seen him yet). The cuteness of the alcove still tickles me:

The highest point there is 6' 8". The two middle boxes under the window seat will be cupboards, and then along each side built in bookcases. A little library for our little human. Taking advantage of all the little spaces was something I really wanted to do. Okay so the built-ins under all the eves didn't work out (hey turns out that costs tons of money). But we are going to put one in this room:

(the "airlock" between construction and actual finished house) We're utilizing this space:

That's our old closet. It will have two side by side chests of drawers with an open box that I made tall enough for my cardstock collection. And speaking of cardstock, and thus scrapbooking and paper crafting and all that goodness. I seem to have caught the bug again. At the worst time too. I tried yesterday to work on the floor of our clean room (bedroom/home office/closet/scraproom/knitting nook), but I've got way to fat pregnant to make that work. I had to take a bath last night (well, had to, more like wanted to, I love the new tub) to get the tightness to go away. But I still managed to get a start on this:

The baby probably won't come until the new year, but I figure December is still going to be nutso crazy. I mean I'm going to nest people, you know I'm going to. The house will be done (1 month… really!). I will be decorating and sewing and CLEANING. I'm even going to have my grandma over. She's the cleaning/pillow fluffing/furniture re-arranging guru. So things will be moving along. I'll have weekly midwife appointments, holiday things, presents to make. I'm sure lots to write down. So I decided to do Ali's album idea again this year. I've done it before (gah was I an over achiever than or what?) but I'm doing it simple this year. I picked out four colors of 8.5 x 11 paper, halved it, cut up the back of a drawing tablet for the covers (hey my supplies are all buried downstairs) and punched holes in a few more random things to add interest (like the Alaskan journal). One thing I do love about having a bunch of my stuff in storage is that I use what I can get at. I'm dreaming of my new craft room now (the room that was our bedroom, with the built in drawers). I have to keep it SERIOUSLY tidy (it's also the walkway to upstairs) so I'm contemplating new organizational and design options.

Oh the plumbers just got here, gotta go!

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  1. Okay I totally want to make an advent book now that I checked the links out you posted. I bet I could actually get one done before the 1st. Granted it’d be super basic, but it would work.
    The arch looks great! That’s something I miss from our old house. There were arches in the hall way, and 1 in the bathroom. When we lived there I hated the curved ceiling/wall deal–horrible to pain–but it was really cute.

  2. It’s coming along! I love the look of the arches…I wish our house had them! And hopefully BJ will be helping you with the cleaning. A woman “in your condition” shouldn’t have to do much at 8 and 9 months!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. wow-weee!!!! look at the progress!
    and I’m so happy to see the arch back ๐Ÿ™‚
    it just adds so much character and charm to your house!
    love the idea for the December daily!
    I’m kind of obsessed with minibooks lately…
    might have to do one of these!

  4. LOVE seeing all this new fun stuff amber! can’t wait to see it all finished! but beware–i plan on convincing you to let me film you being all crafty for our Cr8tv show! Congrats on the baby too! ๐Ÿ™‚

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