The OFFF re-cap

This was the third year I attended the awesome Oregon Flock and Fiber Festival. I went with my awesome neighbor Tracy and her friend Kathy the day after we got back from our trip. It’s my big stock up day for the year basically (although I did sign up for the Hello Yarn Fiber Club… could not resist). The festival is not even an hour away and it was a beautiful day to go. I had some side pain so I couldn’t go see the animals, but I did get the important shopping done first, thank goodness!

This is all of our stuff… NOT JUST MINE. ๐Ÿ™‚ But a lot of it is mine. I felt better once I had a little fiber in my bag, the place was crowded. Of course as Tracy said I "could part the red sea with my belly" too true! I use my belly, I admit it. Here is some of my fibery goodness.

It’s all up individually by colorway on my flickr page. I did want to get more fiber in each color way instead of my usual crazy "oooh this looks pretty I"ll take a little of this little of that" shopping that I do there. I went right away to find the awesome one pound bumps that I got last year. I snagged one:

When I picked it up the woman at the booth said, "oh that must be one of the last ones my mom dyed." I asked her if her mom had stopped dying and she said she passed away in March. So now I’m thinking I must do justice to this fiber, I’m going to think of something epic for it. Her daughter will still carry on the business, but just had solid/semi solids dyed up this year. It’s weird I didn’t get much green this year, even Tracy commented on it. I was really drawn to warm colors.

And I can’t wait to see how they spin up. Though I haven’t forgotten that if I want a maternity sweater before I have the baby I need to finish spinning up the other big batch of fiber. I can’t believe I’m going into the last trimester, WHAT? But more on that later. I have been knitting some of my handspun. I gave the socks another go, messed with the numbers and tried to tap into some knitter intuition, which I’m not sure I have a lot of. Either way they are going to fit:

But tightly. I maybe should have listened to the master numbers a little bit more, but I think they’ll work.

I just have to do the cuffs (I think a simple rib) and then I’ll need a new project for the chair:

Grandpa just called to check on me since I haven’t been in today. I’m a bit under the weather and Bj has our car so I’m not going to visit him until this evening. He said okay, "he just wanted to make sure I was alright." And then left me with a "love ya darling." awe….

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  1. use that belly! Isn’t that one of the perks of being pregnant? ๐Ÿ™‚
    I’m so glad the new socks fit! YAY!
    Better snug than big enough for BJ, right? ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. That picture of you is adorable! Even with a sore side, pregnancy seems to suit you.
    Can’t wait to see what you come up with, using all that yummy goodness!
    And get to work on that sweater, times a wastin’!

  3. What an amazing haul of fiber…and you got into Hello Yarn, I’m so jealous – glad for you and all, but pouting a little:) And those socks – they are gorgeous – what pattern are they?

  4. Ok, you are too cute for words with your pregnant self!! And though I’m not a sewer/knitter/spinner, I think you got a good haul of colors! As always, I can’t wait to see what you make!

  5. Love the socks! Love the fiber you picked up can’t wait to see what you knit up with it. It is my goal to knit socks this fall! l What pattern are you using and how would you rate (easy- advanced)?

  6. Awww… don’t you love it when they are sweet like that ?! Makes it hard to be angry with them when they’re selfish and hard-headed, doesn’t it !

  7. Now you need to make Garrison a pair in the same color-way so the whole family can match! PHOTO OP!

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