Update… we ARE crazy

I probably won’t be blogging for a week, unless the "spotty Internet on the island" comes through for me. That’s right Bj and I are headed to North Carolina. We’re still going to Learnfest. It is a bit crazy. Grandpa was super sweet last night when Bj went to hang out with him at the hospital. He wanted to talk to me so Bj called me and we chatted. He said he really wants a diet coke. I said I did too, but couldn’t because I was pregnant. To that he replied, "well between you and me I think I’m a little worse off." Ah the funny man is back. When we hung up he said, "love you sweetie." It makes it super hard to leave, but are trip was absolutely non-refundable at this point. Bj’s mom will take over grandpa duty (who is going to have to have a couple tube feedings until he gets his swallowing under control), and my mom will take over Ribbon Jar duty. Oh is that not crazy enough for you? Well our remodel should start while we are gone. That’s right we’ve spent the last two days at the hospital (Bj) or re-arranging the craft room to be the bedroom, emptying the closet, taking down pictures, and generally getting things ready (me, with a lot of help from Sciarrino). The concrete in the basement is going to get blasted with a wet saw, the closet is going to get made into stairs, we’re getting a new roof in the back… and we’ll be gone. Still waiting on the permit to come through from the city, so it really depends on that (which depends on the undependable draftsman to finish plan updates). Okay that was just a quick little post to let you all know what was going on, it’s probably full of grammatical errors, oh well. I’ll try and check in this week.

edited: flight leg one done. Now on to North Carolina!

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  1. Why are you going to N. Carolina?! You’re coming to my side of the country?! Glad grandpa’s getting better, and I’m sending good thoughts towards your home improvement project!!

  2. Oh you two really deserve a break… So Enjoy it to the fullest! How nice of BJ’s mom taking over Grandpa duty! You can relax and enjoy knowing Grandpa will be well looked after. Love you both!

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