And the winner is – 343

Did you think I’d totally forgotten about the jars? No, no, there were 337. That is everything that was in the garage, which included a couple of boxes from another sale, and a few broken, but still what a haul! Now I just have to finish organizing them and get them full of ribbon and up on my site. So the winner is:
Hollye with a guess of 299
Hollye email me your address please (link to my email address in the side bar).

A couple more numbers: 105, the temperature it’s supposed to be today, it’s already 80 in our house, yikes. I’m using washcloths soaked in water and then frozen to keep cool, drinking lots of water, and standing in front of fans, but still, so hot! Bj’s taking a different approach:

Quick lunch time naps! We have both been getting up lots earlier than usual, so these can be necessary (especially when you get scared awake in the middle of the night, as we did last night. I had been setting twist in some new yarn with a full water bottle and when the yarn dried the water bottle dropped to the floor, scared the crap out of me!). Speaking of spinning: about 324 yards:

Some of that new Pigeonroof Studios fiber, adn the small skeins are leftover things I just plied together to get off my spools. My favorite is this stuff:

It’s so soft and squishy, superwash merino fiber (superwash means it’s been treated so that you can wash it in the machine with out felting). I have this on the wheel now, yum!

And thank you so much for all the baby love. We do think it’s the cutest thing we’ve ever seen, for sure!   

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  1. It’s days like today that I’m thankful I work in a hospital. For all I know, it’s been 70 and cool all day…
    How is that baby blanket coming?

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