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  1. Seriously adorable photo! We haven’t made that pre-baby list. All I can say is first Halloweenโ€”Alien!
    I love it! Is it weird I almost feel like the baby is here already? Soon very soon! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Yay, so exciting. I’ve been waiting for you to post something on here. You better get you candy tots crochet book ready. Or maybe your dear friend in Canada will have to make you something sweet! Congrats to the two of you. Hope to see you soon. Love ya.

  3. I got a little tear in my eye when I saw your baby bump…
    I’m so happy for you and BJ! You’ll be awesome parents.
    Congratulations Amber!

  4. I got a little tear in my eye when I saw your baby bump…
    I’m so happy for you and BJ! You’ll be awesome parents.
    Congratulations Amber!

  5. Finally! I’ve been waiting to see that picture posted! We are sooooo excited for you both! And you look adorable with that little bump!

  6. Congratulations! Being a mom is the most rewarding, exhausting, exasperating hilarious job in the whole world. But I know without a doubt when people ask my kids ‘ how did you learn to take whip cream shots?’ they will say confidently ‘My mom!’. And here I was popping in to see if there were any more Grandpa stories – get something better! Congratulation again! Enjoy all the crafting time you can find before your little one arrives! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. SO glad you’re telling people now!! That has to be one of the longest times I haven’t told such a fabulous secret!! Your belly is too cute!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Yay! Congratulations to the both of you, you’ll make wonderful parents. I’m so happy for you.

  9. Iโ€™m a first time commenter. I got married about 6 months after you and got so much inspiration from all your fun details. And now, here I sit expecting our first baby this Christmas, just a week-ish (?) before you. Have fun, and a HUGE congratulations!

  10. congratulations…
    just came across your blog address that i had written down to REMEMBER it…(home for the summer)…
    and i’m super excited for you! (even though you have no idea who i am!)
    congratulations, again! it’s a wonderful trip.

  11. I had been hoping to see this post some day and what a great picture! You will both be amazing parents and I can’t wait to see what you do with the babies room!

  12. i know i am majorly late in the game but BIG CONGRATS to you and bj. this is so awesome and i couldn’t be happier for the both of you.
    you are going to make an excellent mama ๐Ÿ™‚

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