
Okay I frogged it (knit speak for ripping it back, in this case all the way). Sciarrino came over last night and when I told her that I was bravely going to knit on she mentioned knitting the net row on a long cord just to check things out. I did and then put it on my head, where it slipped right down to my neck. So that was a no go. I figured out read in the very clearly written pattern that you decrease by 8 stitches for a smaller size. So I cast on 48 stitches which means I knit this adorable thing up in a couple of hours:

Here it is next to a tiny little hat Bj and I got to show size:

That green hat is part of little green and white jail break out fit Bj and I put together. Lord is it cute. But don’t worry! Sciarrino and I are going to sort all the clothes I have so far by size and it WILL curb my buying more clothes… at least in the wrong size. Oh and I’ve been doing a little research about the layette. 1-3 hats, 2-3 pairs of booties? This list was not made by a knitter. I was thinking 7 hats minimum! My baby is going to be born in the beginning of winter and I am still planning on taking it to get air everyday. Side note: I said this to Sciarrino or my mom, one of those witty ladies. She said, "Uh, adults need fresh air every day too" SNAP. But I still didn’t go on a walk tonight. I ALMOST did, then my tummy hurt. Anyway I’m going to dress the baby head to toe in wool of course. At least until I get the urge to take up the next craft… quilt of the day for baby?!?! Nappy sack in five color combos? Recovering V’s baby swing. Risky, but toile (sp?) is not my style. So many options. Stay tuned for more pregnancy induced crafty madness.

p.s. I just got this. Everyone is getting hats this year for Christmas. You’ve been warned.

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  1. lurking again 🙂 Awesome hats – can’t wait to see the jailbreak outfit. My first was a December – oh no you are not going to be born on xmas – baby. Hats – lots of them. I used to keep one in my winter jacket and one in my purse. We did loose a couple (always while hubby was at the helm *wink*). Either knit up a half dozen wool booties – or look for some really thick socks that are long. Hanna Anderson has some awesome baby bootie socks. And we lost some too….and they um…sometimes land in the dirty diapers….well placed kick. So yup, always had a spare in the diaper bag. Don’t forget to to carry ziploc bags around for the dirty clothes. Bowouts always seem to happen when you are out on the town *grin* but that just might be my kids.
    I can’t believe how much you have done already for this little one. Amazing. Whenever we found out we were expecting…somehow the knitting just got turned off….or stuck in a rut -hats anyone? socks – that was all my pregnant mind was capable of. Enjoy the mild summer we are having in OR!

  2. I have that pattern if you want to borrow it. I’ve made it once. It went together fairly easily. Actually, I have a lot of AmyB. patterns. Just say the word and I’ll bring them up to you!

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