When the stars align

Yesterday was our first anniversary. Thank goodness that year is over! Who knew it would be so insane, so crazy, sad, happy, confusing and everything in between. I really thought we would just throw all our stuff in the same house and everything would be happy go lucky. If you’ve read for a while you know that’s not how it turned out, but you know what? I wouldn’t change anything. Bj and I are who we are because of it all.

The last two nights we spent at this little hot springs resort (thanks mom and Bill!) in Bonneville (near the dam). It was so nice, we really did nothing but go in our hot tub like eight times. It’s full of water with minerals and no chlorine (that we could smell or feel anyway), so you can get in and out as much as you like. Last night we were laying in bed talking about how we got to where we are. We were being pretty mushy about how much we like each other, and what we first thought of each other. I told him some of what I wrote in my journals seven years ago (generally, "Oh Bj is so cool, he’s so good looking… HE ALMOST TOUCHED MY HAND!") and we talking about our favorite moments in our relationship. Hands down our road trip after we graduated. 10,548 miles around the United States. We both knew after that we could do anything. We laughed about the bad campsites, and the crazy people. The weird sights, and good luck. It was so fun to reminisce. We decided we have it pretty good. Gosh I love that guy! Today on our way home we picked up our cake:

I thought you weren’t going to have a piece Bj? I can’t believe just a year ago I was getting married, eating this cake, and dancing like crazy. Oh and to dispel a rumor I heard, no our cake did not cost thousands of dollars (it was like $750, yes, even with all those hand painted flowers. Hello I shopped around). The bakery where we went (Joseph’s; no web page) gives you a gift certificate for a free cake on your anniversary. They are all into freshness and don’t want you to save the top (no problem, I ate the top the week after the wedding). Mmmm so good.

As if my day couldn’t get any fantastic starting off with a hot tub and having a cake break I went to the local office supply store to see if I could get some more dividers for the drawers I’m organizing my photos into. Not only did they have those, they had all this:

I brought the clips on a whim thinking maybe they could order them for me (love local merchants they’ll order anything for you). But they had three dozen just sitting there. Had a total Amber freak out moment. Also I got some of those alphabet tabs (but you can change the green part). They are the same kind as the ones I got vintage and used in my Alaskan scrapbook. That long thing at the bottom is a customizable tab. Like the Avery kind, only you cut it to any length. No idea what I’m going to use that for, it just seemed to be calling my name.

I have 9 binders all done now:

They are so tall I don’t have room to keep them together:

Time to print more pictures. But before I go through my library of photos on the computer again I had to have a little fun first:

After all the photos are being put in there so I’ll use them!

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  1. Sounds like you had a very romantic anniversary! Congrats on your one year…only 70-something left to go! 🙂

  2. happy anniversary amber & bj!!!
    how wonderful that the bakery gives you a new little cake! I love that idea – much better than eating year old cake that’s been in the freezer!

  3. hi amber! i am an avid reader of your blog. i too love to come across great “finds”. i was wondering where did you get those awesome photo albums in the pictures in this post. they look like leather?
    happy anniversay and glad you didn’t have to eat year old cake like myself. can i just say… yuck!

  4. Happy Anniversary Amber & BJ! Glad you saved the gift for a special occasion. It’s fun finding a gift that is so much enjoyed! And the cake… delicious!

  5. Happy Anniversary!!! I agree if you can make it on a trip that long you can do anything!
    I’m also doing LOM.. I think I have only filled 4 binders… this category drawer thing.. 300 photos?? Uh.. no way!! How are you doing with your drawers?

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