More scrappy goodness

Yesterday I got to do some more scrapbooking and I whipped out nine layouts. I am seriously on a roll here! I love having all my pictures printed! I also took the time to try a couple of techniques I’d been wanting to.

Please forgive the spotty picture taking. I’m not at home, I’m watching my little sister since my step-mom had to go take care of my dad, and I’m not using my normal software as well. Oh Erin on a related note: to make an image smaller from iPhoto just go up to File – Export – then choose jpg and choose your size. You can select multiple pictures at a time as well. Anyway. On the layout above I used a chipboard letter I had, and one I made. I think this idea was in Scrapbooks, etc. but not sure. I recently went through my tear out inspiration binder and reorganized things and re-found this idea. I painted a chipboard circle black. Added the white rub-on M and then put diamond glaze over the whole thing. I think you’re supposed to use Modge Podge, but I can’t find mine. And once I whipped out the diamond glaze I remembered why I love it.

I used it here and

here in those Pebbles brad things. You put a sticker in the middle but I didn’t think it looked finished enough so I squirted diamond glaze in there as well. The above layout shows the other technique
I am going to use all the time now. In the layout on the very top I used back acrylic paint and went around the picture and journaling block with it. I had squirted too much out so I grabbed a stash of card stock scraps and went around the edges of them to save for later:

Love it. I’m so doing that all the time. It’s very resourceful too!

I love this one. All my happy vintage knitting stuff. Along with an ad from an old magazine. I had a hard time just picking one, there are some funny ads in those old mags.

Super simple. Still love my quickutz (obviously).

I’m only showing tis because I really like how the tags worked out here. I know we must look insane. But I figure this is so us it has to go in the scrapbook.

While re-organizing the scrapbooks I realized I had no layouts of my cottage, for shame! So I’m going back through and trying to fix that problem.

And I did two more intro pages. I managed to scrounge up some more Bazzill in white with the orange peel texture. That paper is my favorite. I love it because even though it’s textured I can still write on it.

And my intro page. I can hardly wait for my new albums to get here. You know what else I can hardly wait for? Bones! New episode in two hours. Em and I will be over here freaking out until then. ๐Ÿ™‚

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  1. Amber, your layouts are awesome. I haven’t touched my scrapbooks in so long you’ve really inspired me to get back to it! If you have never used the cat’s eye chalks, you would really love them. You can get the same effect from them by “brushing” them around the edges of cardstock like you did with the acrylic. They come in lots of great colors and are quick and not messy.

  2. Wow, thanks for sharing all the great layouts. Makes me want to spend the weekend scrapbooking!

  3. OOOH, I love your new pages! Esp, the one with the tags! Since you sent me that LOVELY box of old knitting mags & needles, maybe I should do a LO about it too! LOL ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I love your pages! That one with you and BJ (U + Me = Love) look so young! Are we seriously that old now?! Geez…
    And the cowgirl hat…hmmmm…wonder what event THAT is from…

  5. Oh my goodness Amber, you are scrappin’ out of control, fabulous!!
    Especially love the ‘Meg’ and vintage knitting LO’s.

  6. Your pages are incredibly inspirational! ๐Ÿ™‚ Im’ especially loving the blue-face one LOL ๐Ÿ™‚
    I also noticed in one of your later posts that you have a really cool magnet board in the background of some of your photos. I’d love to see a closeup! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Great pages! You are just a scrappin crazy! I can’t believe how much you’ve done! Awesome!

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