Try this today!

Yesterday Brenda received a little package of goodies I sent her when we did a small swap with each other. She posted about it over on her blog and made a point of mentioning the envelop I put a little note in. When I was cleaning up the craft studio I decided to get rid of a few littler drawer units and things that were holding my post card/stationary stash. These all got filed away in one of the big drawers of my dresser in here. I pulled out one of a stack of envelopes that I had made a while ago to send to Brenda, one of these:

These are the original templates I’ve been using for ten years. The arrows help show you what the finished envelope will look like, and the direction it will go.

Choose a template and a page out of a magazine (the thicker the better, and mags like Martha Stewart that are extra wide and tall work even better for some shapes). Lay the template down adjusting so that the main image is on the front.

Cut it out.

Place the folded up template in the middle of the envelope and then press the edges around it so you will have folds to follow when you remove it.

Get out the rubber cement baby. The only way to go for this project. Either paste it on and hold the pieces together, or (my method of choice) paint each side that is going to be attached and then when they are dry stick them together. It sounds wrong, but works great. See that little thing in the back? It’s a rubber cement eraser, it works like a dream after everything is dry to clean up around the edges.

Attach a fun label like this (an old issue of national geographic will yield dozens) or an Avery label, piece of cardstock, anything that will give you space to write. Note on this type of envelope: if you do decided to have the address run so that the width is shorter than the height you are subject to a small surcharge (at least in the USA). Check for details.

There you have it. A practically free project, and hey, you might even be able to sneak this project at work. 🙂

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  1. Oh man! I remember when you used to make those all the time and how much I wanted to learn how. I think you may have tried to teach me, but you know I’m not crafty. But this small tutorial makes me think this is something I might have to give another go at! And maybe even at work! Shhh…don’t tell the boss!

  2. My friend and I used to do this back in college! and mail each other letters in them. We’d also tear out what we’d want to say, collage style, on front of cardstock as postcards. Man. I should blog. Thanks again!!

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