Erin I found them!

I have been looking for these photos. I knew I had some of Erin and I batiking in high school.


I know, I know. I guess I thought the huge sweatshirt was cool. And Erin was right in asking, "how did we walk away with any non-stained clothes?"

Those pictures were not in this pile:

I thought that was all the pictures in my big order I had placed to shutterfly, but I was wrong, the rest came today.

Whoa. I really like the quality, the only real beef I have is that for some reason the pictures end up all out of order in the little envelops. I’m thinking they have multiple printers working or something and then just stuff what ever comes out first, but it does take a little sorting to get it all worked out. I have filed away 2003-2005 (it took 8 albums, due in large part to the three for our 2004 USA road trip), and piles for 2nd quarter 2006, 2007, and the wedding. I ran out of photo albums to file it all away. Meanwhile I’ve started pulling photos for the category drawers (see Stacy’s book Photo Freedom). It’s really doing that, and finding all the differnt photos of say, me and my brother, or pictures of my feet over the years.

If you can’t find me I’ll be under piles of pictures! 🙂

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  1. ugh, one of my least favourite things to do, organise photos. Good luck. Do you write on the back of all your photos?? That is the part I hate the most. Probable because I don’t do it straight away and then I really struggle to remember exactly when they were taken.

  2. That picture is great! It also answers a few questions about how I did that one. Thanks!

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