And the heart is lifted.

Ah man did I have a great couple of days. On Wednesday Paula e-mailed me a "hey, hey, what’s up, you should come to this thing and we should meet." I glanced at Ali’s post earlier this week, but didn’t think much of it, because you know, I’m too scared to go anywhere alone. Turns out Sue shared my feelings and we headed south. I had so much fun. It was super low key, fun, and hey I made something!

Based on Ali’s idea (oh and I see she put it up on her blog so check it out). I’ll show you more when I finish it up. I bought another kit while I was there (a coco daisy kit) I think the October kit and used that too. I totally need to shave my choices down when I’m working on a project because it was so much easier to get going with less to choose from. But I don’t know if that declaration is going to get me to stop buying pattern paper. Me loves the pattern paper. Oh and also fabric. I want to order this (and fifty million others). But I digress.

I went to Portland to pick up these:


Oh and I finished my top down hat (from my handspun), so easy. Still made it too big, I really doubted the pattern and didn’t think there were enough increases, I was wrong and hope that Bj will wear this. I’ll have another go at it. Oh and remember:

It’s a secret that I wear glasses!!!

Hmm I went to Portland, so I had to see V!

She likes the jacket. Well after we showed her the mirror and said, "you’re so pretty, ohhhh so fancy, so pretty, look at your pretty jacket." Then she stopped squirming and wore it for the day. Well she didn’t stop squirming

But she forgot about the sweater.

Favorite shot of the day:

Such a lucky girl, with such happy loving parents. So glad I get to be a part of her life. I love my wee little god-daughter. Even though she grows out of everything in a couple of days!

P.S. I miss Bones. Maybe random, but a repeat came on tonight and I wanted to cry, we still have months to wait, boo hoo.

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  1. Love your new glasses! You know I loves me some purple! And Violet is getting so big. I guess it’s good that she’s growing up, but she’s losing her baby fat! :-/

  2. Indeed you look like you’re having fun,fun,fun these days. Love the glasses soo much! Your favorite picture of the day is one in a million—I LOVE IT!

  3. Okay. It is official.
    It is time for me to relocate.
    I need to move to home of the Ribbon Jar and Cocoa Daisy and AE and Amber and all things amazingly creative.
    (Or maybe I just need to plan a little plane trip that coincides with the next crop.)

  4. Next time you want to head south, let me know! I live in Albany, and will happily meet you and travel with you! (now I realize you may not know me, but I feel like I know you ’cause I’m a blog fan…). Anyway, it looked like fun. I would have tried it, but I was auditioning for the Nashville Star in Portland that day.
    Thanks for all the yummy inspiration!

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