Christmas Cards!

Okay so I just sent out a big stack of cards today, still waiting on a few addresses, but most are out. And I got my first three as well (one featuring a photo I took – I feel so special!). So now I need some cute way to display them. I’ve never gotten more than a few, but as I’m married and all grown up now I think I might get a fair sized stack. So comment with link or ideas on how to display them, pretty please!

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  1. We string a string (imagine that!) across our fireplace mantle and hang the cards over it to make a card garland sort of thing. I love it! For the cards that don’t have a fold we have some tiny clips to hang them. Can’t wait to see what you do.

  2. We have a pretty metal bucket that we put ours in. It’s been painted dark blue and has “snowflakes” all over it. We sit it next to one of the armchairs in the living room each year.

  3. I have a cute little metal bucket type thing that hangs on the door that I put mine in. I stuffed some tissue paper down inside so the cards sit up higher so I can see them.
    I like the ribbon idea!
    What about adding a length of ribbon to the back of the pew in your entry way – and clipping the cards to that?

  4. I stick tape on the back of all the cards and adorn a boring wall right outside the kitchen and near our entryway. It sure brightens the area up and I get to see all of them plenty!

  5. For the past several years, I attached blue painter’s tape in little loops to the backs of the cards and stuck them on the double doors to our office. Inevitably there would be a few top heavy ones that would always end up on the floor over and over, so this year I bought 2 identical table runners from Target and draped them over the doors. I am using straight pins to attach them. I wish I had read this post before doing this, I like the ribbon/staple idea!

  6. I made a pinup wreath two years back, as seen on Martha.
    It’s made from clothespins and a large embroidery hoop. We use ours all year, actually. (Multi-purpose: I put 12 pins on my latest one, set it around a clock and put the values ‘5, 10, 15, 20,…” and so on to help my kids learn to tell time 🙂

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