Happy Halloween!


Reid (with the spiders) and her boyfriend Eric (the vampire with his arm around Bj). I also enjoyed Martin’s ‘dot com explosion"

(that would be Tex, bent over and laughing so hard at Bj, who kept playing up the part). And now I need to do some last minuet things to get V’s costume ready then it’s sleepover time up in Portland so I can trick or treat with her. I’m so excited!

Oh and if you sent me an email before Tuesday I can’t respond to it because we installed Leopard (um, amazing!) and there is no plug in for hotmail for Mail yet. So all my messages are stuck in the computer. Boo Hoo. I’m not ignoring you, I just can’t get to them! Hopefully soon. Hotmail sucks and I would ditch it all together but I’ve had the same email address for 11 years. I tend to like to hold on to things like that.

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  1. I was just going to suggest re-directing everything that comes to Hotmail straight you your Gmail account but it look like everyone already said that.
    I am also on the riding the Leopard this week – having iMac freezing issues if I do a lot of things at the same time though.
    Waiting for the fix.

  2. holy crap!
    if i woulda just had a drink in my mouth it would have went all over the monitor!!!
    bj’s costume is the friggin’ best. look at that look on his face…bwahahahahahaa!

  3. Yes BJ’s costume is great- his expression is so funny. I want to know what you dressed up as too…And I might as well chime in, gmail is wonderful. I actually just got a new email reflecting my married name so I’m just forwarding email from gmail to my new gmail account. Good luck, hope the name you want is available.

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