Fall in Salem

Salem is seriously pretty right now. Driving back from the post office I passed the park and a million pretty trees. So I decided to grab my camera and walk around a bit. Check this out:

Those are just starting to change.

These are also everywhere. The ones in my back yard are as big as my head (and no you can’t see my knee-high-weeds-backyard). Sciarrino and I met up at the park (she walks to work go Sciarrino!) and sat on the swings for a while. She snaps some shots of me (and me of her but she tends to be very particular so I’ll let her proof them first ๐Ÿ™‚ so you get to see my fabulous skirt that I am in love with.

I think this is my first knitted skirt I’ve ever bought. I love it. Like wearing a blankie. Then we walked back to Sciarrino’s to pick up her knitting. Along the way:

Mmm I love moss.

Then I grabbed a gourd from Sciarrinio’s stash and set this on her steps. Mmm fall. Not my favorite season, or second, or third, but hey they are all pretty close for me any way ๐Ÿ™‚ Spent the night knitting, great day.

By the way I really want to try some totally rad actions on these (and some other photos). Right now I really don’t process my photos at all, I sometimes tweak them a little in Aperture, but I haven’t tried any actions. Any one have the rad actions and have thoughts? Other sources of actions you love?

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  1. I love the fall!! And there is this bright orange and red-leafed tree outside my office window. I love seeing it change a little every day. But fall in Vermont? Wonderful!
    p.s. love the skirt!

  2. fall’s my favorite…
    well, maybe it’s a tie with spring.
    BEAUTIFUL pictures.
    I’ve taken a few here and there but I think I need to go for a walk and take some more!
    actions look cool…
    but I only have photoshop elements and my understanding is they don’t work with elements just regular PS. GOOD LUCK.

  3. I’m so jealous of those beautiful fall leaves. It’s been so hot and dry here in Alabama that we probably won’t have any fall leaves. Sometimes we go straight from hot summer to cold winter.
    I’ve used some photo effects in Photoshop, but never actions. They sound neat. One Photoshop trick that might look cool on the photo of the leaves or the gourd would be “find edges”.

  4. Your pictures are amazing! I love taking photos of trees like this. There are some fiery pink trees on Market St. that I want to get some photos of, every year I wait too long and miss those.
    Very beautiful.

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