Dymo Love

I spent all day working on this:

It has lower case, upper case, numbers, vertical, horizontal, every sign (#$%&*&(, etc.) even some Greek letters, and fractions.  I’ve only got blue, black and a little woodgrain tape right now, but as I stock every dymo auction that should grow. The booklet that came with my machine says dymo comes in "16 different colors of plastic tape". Right now I have blue, green, avocado (the holy grail for me), bright orange, yellow, black, and red in the 3/8 size, and a handful in the 1/4 size. I also have some 1/2 and the aluminum that goes with that machine. So get ready for me to go label crazy!

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  1. I was just reading some of your archives…..I landed a big bag of Avacado green tape that is wider–like 1/2 inch (I havent measured, but it is bigger than anything I have ever seen). If you would like some I would be happy to share a roll!
    Tuesday is the CUTEST and I look forward to your updates.
    Janie in Ky

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