They’re HERE

Yesterday, they day I took around my camera but did nothing with it, I picked up Ceara and Grant from the airport! My friends arrived earlier than expected and I was still in my wedding dress trying to figure out if my chosen underwear would show through when she texted me. I hopped over a bridge and picked them up. We did a few things, then headed to Salem. We had a few minuets to chat with Ceara’s mom, pick up something, fax things, and blah, blah, blah before we headed back up to Portland, this time with my mom. We met Sciarrino at Barefoot Sage, an awesome place that does only feet and leg massage. My mom packed cute little dinners for us, and everything. Unfortunately I was in such a state of relaxation that I totally forgot I even owned a camera. Then I left in in my mom’s car so I don’t even have proof that Ceara is here! But I do have proof of another awesome friend:

Ya, we’re all a little tired. I stayed up until almost three last night cleaning because I couldn’t bare the thought of, not only Taro seeing my house so messy, but also coming back to it like that after the honeymoon. I have been getting more wedding stuff done,

Awe it’s such cuteness V’s dress. I sewed a button in the back this time, and the ribbon on to the dress since she’s much more mobile and I don’t want here chewing it. Back to the food:

Which obviously gets Bj very excited. And me too, yum yum yum

Brent came over to liven up the crowd, and I had to get a picture of all of us:

I love that picture, I’m setting up the tri pod here, and I always find those kind of pictures interesting.

Awe Brent, I know I can always count on you or Bj for super crazy pictures. And one more favorite:

Taro, checking on my weight gain. As soon as he came in it was like he was never gone. I miss my roomie oh so much. Well I think I’m signing off until the end of next week. I don’t think I’ll have much access to a  computer, but we’ll see. Tomorrow night is the bachlorette, and every thing’s been kept a secret from me so I have no idea what to expect. Then Friday the rehearsal, and Saturday’s the day. Sunday we have a little after brunch and we take off for our honeymoon! It’s all going to be a blur I know, like that picture up there, a moment here and gone. Thank you for all your wonderful comments, I am trying to breathe, and enjoy everything as full as I can.

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  1. aw man! no more updates on the wedding until next week?
    well then, I wish you the happiest ever day and I can’t wait to hear (and see) all about it!

  2. We all love to hear what you are doing, but it is definitely time for you to step away from your computer and enjoy the moments, your friends and family who are around to enjoy this special time with you. ENJOY! ENJOY! This very special time!
    Love Mom

  3. Girl I’ve been following everything!
    I’m so so so excited for you!
    I hope you enjoy the whole process.
    I can’t wait to see 73625274904 pictures. 🙂

  4. Congratulations Amber, I’m really happy for you! I’m excited to see wedding pictures. I think you are the only person I know that could pull off the coolest wedding in 3 months, and I’m sure that you will do it. Say hi to Taro for me, and have a great honeymoon! Erin

  5. Congratulations and have so much fun on your big day…. make sure that one person is in charge of making sure you eat and have some drinks. I carried the same glass of wine around for 3 hours, everybody thought I was fine since I always had a full glass in my hand but in reality I was the most sober person there :)and really thirsty!

  6. Ocngrats!! Have tons of fun and enjoy every moment of the big day!! Relax and have tons of fun on the honeymoon!! Looking forward to checking out some pics!!

  7. The time has finally arrived !
    Congratulations to the new Mr. & Mrs. !
    I hope your wedding was
    everything you
    dreamed it to be!
    Cheers to the honeymooners!

  8. I am so happy for you and BJ!! Congratulations on your Wedding Day!! Wishing you many, many happy years together!!

  9. Ok, I’ve been reading, you know, to catch up on all of this FUN you’ve been having before I stumbled upon your blog and “met” you over Peacock Blue & secret ops at Sherwin Williams….and I find these pics of your Curry Dinner when Taro arrived. ANOTHER thing we have in common…the bluish bowl on the table (you know the one, the cool one with the pretty designs all over it ??). Well, I have no earthly use for it, but have admired it AND the enormous plate that matches it at Target for two years. I always find a reason NOT to buy it and have hinted, oh so discretely, to hubby that I want it for almost every occasion since the dawn of time, yet he still hasn’t purchased it for me. Well, about three months ago, I made the 18 mile drive to Target specifically to buy it for myself. Didn’t buy anything else, only needed to fulfill the longing in the deep recesses of my soul for this bluish bowl (which IS it’s official title, by the way….). So, now I have the much coveted bowl, which I’m certain I will have buried with me when I die. AND NOW I SEE IT ON YOUR TABLE TOO !! I’ve enjoyed SO MANY of your clever ideas and your wittiness on your blog, I thought it was neato that we share some of the same tastes. When I find other “free spirits” (as my husband likes to call me), it brings a smile to my face because so MANY people don’t “get” us – think of us as quirky and odd – it confirms for me that I’m not the only one who thinks living outside the box is the only place that’s comfortable. GLAD I STUMBLED ACROSS YOUR BLOG !!!

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