Another Helper

Michele and Brett came down today with V so that I could get some more of the little things out of the way. And we did get a ton done, maybe that’s because they stayed for seven hours! I also got the plumbing fixed. "What was it?" "About 40 years of hair, soap scum and make up" "oh." Ewwwww, but all better now. I had a mini melt down with the bank. I’m trying to pay all my vendors, but I have a debit card daily limit. So I call to see if I can have it changed and they are like, "oh no, we can’t do that it’s a master card policy." So I have them transfer me to Master Card who say they have no such policy. Then I go back to the bank (twice because the first call was dropped) and I plead with them, "the money is IN the account, you know it’s there, why can’t I use it?" They are telling me I should just write a check, to which I explain I can’t because I don’t live in the city where I’m getting married. I tried everything, talking to supervisors, crying (but not so much on purpose), pleading, telling them my wedding is in 9 days, nothing. So now I have to contact all the vendors and have them stager payments off the card, grrr. It’s such a scam, I mean I think if you have the money in the account they should let you spend as much of it as you want. Back to the pretty things:

Straws, check!

Buttons, check! Oh how I wish I could record people’s reactions to their buttons. Because each button is specifically for a person they should get a pretty good kick out of them. And they are designed exceptionally well (thank you Sciarrino). This also proves that our count is 100% done. I know exactly who is coming, and since the number is a bit less than what we had originally planned for and we still have to meet the minimum food/beverage requirement for the room we’ve decided on….. An OPEN BAR. Are my friends reading this?

Key cards are almost done, just have to write the names on, and then put in order by table number. I’m going to have to fold newsprint around all of these because I’m afraid the keys will leach onto the paper.

V watched and was a very good girl and let us get a lot done. Now onto the projects of the evening, finishing V’s dress and dressing up the tree containers.

9 days until I do!

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  1. I love the oval punch with the cute stamp and the “cheers”… Super cute!!
    Everything looks so cool. I can’t wait to see wedding pics.

  2. every detail of your wedding is amazing!!
    wow, nine days already!!
    time moves so fast seems like ysterday you said you were engaged!! ๐Ÿ™‚
    have a fun and productive weekend!

  3. Amber…
    WOW! Everything is SO, SO creative and amazing. I’m SUPER excited for you and I don’t even know you except through reading the blogs!!!
    I hope you have an absolutely wonderful pre-wedding week. It seems like everything is coming together. ๐Ÿ™‚ Know that this Portland-er is very excited for you and thinking about you!
    It is SURE to be a fantastic wedding! Congrats!

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