Oh, so that’s cold.

Bj and I had a great long weekend over in Vermont visiting my maid of honor Ceara and her husband Grant. It was so nice to relax with them and experience Vermont, which by the way is really really cold. I’ve said, like, "ohh I’m so cold" but I was totally lying because 20 is not cold, 7 with plus a wind chill factor is cold. At one point I said, "hey do I still have pants on, because I really feel like I don’t." Case and point:

I’m standing on a frozen lake. Behind me is a frozen wave. I did not know that was possible before this trip. The good thing about the cold is the snow, because snow reflected light + overcast = lighting perfection:

Does Ceara look like a hot model or what? She’s workin that parka. Then I’m like, "oh, Bj over by that wall, quick!"

So hot! And I get to marry him, sigh. I can’t wait. I also took a little walk in the local cemetery. Cool textures all around.

I also liked the one that said: "74 years and 8 months" That must have been some feat in the mid 19th century. No one else had walked in the cemetery all winter, from what I could tell. Just perfect little mounds of snow on these souls. Unfortunately the light wasn’t as good at the two hockey games we went to (first ones ever for me, Grant is the athletic trainer for the team). I need to get a flash like so insanely badly, because I didn’t get any pictures of Ceara and Grant together because the only time they were it was dark out, and I’m a natural light situation whore.

He’s got the black shaved head. There is a cute one of him smiling at me, but it’s way fuzzy, the plexi was hard to shoot through. I saw some random art:

Uh, that’s freaking cool. So high I couldn’t get it all in one frame. Randomly placed on the side of the road with out explanation. My favorite kind of instillation art.

The winter festival was going on in Burlington. Ice sculptures are so cool! I wish I could go back in time though. We were out at dinner right around here and I had left my camera at home when we saw a big portable spot light thing down the road. We went to investigate and they were carving these late at night in the bitter cold under those lights. The steam from their lips, plus eire (sp? you know what I mean right?) lighting of the spot. Lesson: Always have your camera. Always.

And lastly. Can some one please tell me how these roads don’t freeze? I mean so there is snow everywhere, but it melts a tiny bit on the roads from cars and the sun, but the roads are not icy. In Oregon it would be way too wicked to drive, but there, even though it’s like 17 degrees, the pavement is not frozen. I don’t get it?

I also updated my pictures of the day, well I’m doing it right now. Thank you Ceara and Grant, we love you and miss you and a had a fabulous time!

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  1. So next time you go WE will take a vehical and come home with more awesomeness like my fabulous Amish-roof-metal-blue-star! Ceara you are beautiful! (and so are you William 😉

  2. Great recap of your trip! Great photos…. Ceara you look gorgeous! BJ… Yes very Hot! You and Amber will make a very “good looking couple”!

  3. Amber–We loved having you. And you are a wiz with that camera! We can’t wait to come see YOU soon. Miss you already!

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