When areas of my life seem a bit too out of control for my liking, I feel I must take control some where. Most likely something will be cleaned, organized, or purged. This weekend I did a bit of everything and checked a bunch of things off my list, which made me feel so much …
Monthly Archives: January 2007
Be still my heart I love this basket. And since Briana asked about it, that of course means I have an opportunity to go on (and on and on) about how much I love it. Which I do realized I’ve done a bit before, but who that has seen me in the last two years …
More “stuff”
I added captions and locations to the 2007 dailies, per your request. Kept the picture titles numbers though, because it’s easier, and dare I say, cooler. Loved the comments on the last post. Hehehehe. Updated my blogs I’m addicted to list over there, to reflect what I really keep up on (or try to at …
When the going gets tough the tough go shopping
So I mean, come on, getting a call that your church is like no longer available is so NOT the call you want to get less than three months from your big day. My coordinator is currently on the case and it is, as of yet, unresolved. See we signed up with the church before …
Continue reading “When the going gets tough the tough go shopping”
Random thoughts
1. Facebook. Just signed up, holy time waster batman, and oh so addictive. It’s like a "where are they now" version of your life. 2. Should my new photo album (last year’s photo a day album (beware takes for ever to load now)? 3. They double booked our church date. I cried. More action to …
Ah little miss Violet, she might have to get her own category! Today was her baptism and Brett and Michele had me be a special part in it which was so amazing. I was 13 when I was baptized (my parent’s had me like committed to Christ when I was a baby so I could …
More Happiness, is it possible?
I so needed that last post. Some of my favorites from the comments: comfy pants, being barefoot at work, tivo, children, inspirations, stacks of books, lazy rains, babies, American citizenship… I loved the comments so. I had to do this, it was one of those working too late, thinking of too many negative things kind …
Stream of Thought
I’m so lucky for marshmallows, sunshine, cloudy days, pattering rain, william, kisses, handshakes, friends, french fries, the color green, good music, happy thoughts, true love, warm socks, funny slippers, pretty yarn, a lovely mother, my little nose, a big diamond ring, ribbon, late nights, metal rulers, sharp scissors, glitter, plane rides, the perfect dress, a …
A year of flowers
Over at the Ribbon Jar this late night (early morning I guess).
All Knit Up
And here she is, the cutest little god daughter there ever was, Miss Violet: I know I left the red leggings she was wearing on her, bad choice, oops! And her and her mommy. I can’t believe how long the little munchkin is getting. Those pants are going to last like a week. But they …