Just getting these up on the site now. I’ve made some other fun ones up, working on getting those up too. So much yummy ribbon has been coming in, I need to get it all up, they are fab-u-lous.
Monthly Archives: November 2006
Love thy neighbors
How do I love my neighborhood, let me count the ways. First I’m misrable sick earlier this week and I hear racking. It’s my wonderful neighbor Eric, Tracy’s husband raking my yard, sa-weet! Then this morning I hear kids running around screaming and I look outside and see this: and it’s viola, clean street! File …
slightly better
I feel a tinsy bit better. I had to cancel with another friend today, which sucks, but I don’t think getting people you like sick is a real good testament of friendship, so… Last night I was trying to think of something that would make me feel better. I have been wanted to scrapbook for …
What I’ve (not) been up to
What I’ve been up to is being sick. I woke up two days ago with a little nagging cough, then yesterday I lost my voice. This morning it was worse. I had to cancel hanging out with Michele and getting to see my favorite little baby, so as not to spread this thing. Luckily she …
Too many colors?
I went through my bits and pieces of ribbon this afternoon before I left for our appointment with the wedding coordinator. I’m thinking really colorful with a nice green/chartreuse base. What do you think? I might add something brighter since it’s March 31st and not really winter, but it should still be nice and gray …
And now the planning phase.
First of all thank you for your sweet comments, and wonderful stories, I loved them all. I love my blog readers! So okay I’ve been collecting Martha Stewart Wedding magazines for like 10 years, no joke. Luckily when I was smashed into my mom’s house I did some major editing of my magazine collections, resulting …
I said YES… eventually.
We got home from Hawaii and everyone wanted to come over right away. I saw them dart their eyes down to my left and hand and then slowly away. No I wasn’t engaged, as everyone had expected. But that’s not because Bj didn’t ask me. And now that I’ve got a hold of most of …
I’m back!!! And I’m tan!!!
Dude this was one of the best vacations of my life. Okay nothing comes close to Bj and I’s road tripping adventure of a few years ago, but this was just so relaxing at nice. We got to the island of O’ahu on Monday the 23rd. We were staying in Waikiki at the Marriott. It …