How am I still smiling?


Because I got a ton of stuff done this weekend, though I’m a bit wiped out. I think this picture might be a little bit more realistic:
If I post all these kind of pictures on the internet willingly no one can black mail me with anything right? Ya, I had that little leaf on my forehead for a good hour before someone told me. Why did I wait until it was raining to clean my gutters? Because it’s Oregon, I’d have to wait until freaking July to do it in the sun. And good thing too, when I got up there they were almost overflowing with water. Thanks for the action shots Sciarrino. I’m really hoping my guests stop at the cupcakes on the dining room table and don’t glance into my nasty ass back yard. Ew.

My online housewarming will be Friday. You know what that means. Bathroom pictures baby. Oh ya it looks sick. Like sick awesome.

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  1. Can’t wait to see those potty pics!! It will look like the MONEY baby! All this hard work you are doing is so inspiring…as I sit with my coffe cup in hand watching my husband work on our backyard!! A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do, right?

  2. oh God. That second picture is hysterical!
    I cannot wait to see that bathroom…I hope to see it in person tonight!! woo! I’m going to try my best to make it up (thanks for the invite!)…plus I have a tiny little something for your new place!

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