Like an Elephant


I bet you think I forgot, but I didn’t. Super Cool Swap prize goodness will be drawn tonight!
So rub your lucky rabbit’s foot, kiss you troll doll, or blink 17 times, what ever works to make you lucky. My impartial brother will be drawing from the eligible names written on exactly the same size papers. If you are not so lucky as to win this jar, there will be a large bunch up tonight, as well as the September jars early because baby the basement is getting jack hammered tomorrow!!! Oh ya. Other things making me happy:

1. All your lovely comments on my last post.
2. My brother came over yesterday and helped me hang the upper cabinets.
3. A clean garage.
4. A drafting table put together.
5. Great friends.
6. My mom doing my laundry.
7. My mom doing my laundry (hey she does my whites and colors).
8. Boxes of new ribbon on my doorstep.
9. A button maker at my feet, oh the possibilities.
10. My dishwasher is being installed tomorrow.
11. Packages from friends.
12. Zinc canning jar lids in mint condition, so sick.
13. Veronica Mars, I stayed up until 3am watching season two. Seriously this show could not be any better, the witty banter I love it. "Veronica, you’re like kryptonite to rich white boys."
14. Ceara will be here in T minus four days and counting.
15. Checking things off my to do list.
16. Running everywhere in the house instead of walking (try this, it’s so fun).
17. I think I’ll be all moved in in two weeks…
18. And I’m serious this time!

18 happy things right off the top of my head, not so bad. One sad one? Apparently Keene has a drug problem and canceled the North American tour. Currently planning and even better and cooler birthday gig for Sciarrino (sha-reno – that’s for you Kay). So my blogging buddies peace out and happiness to you all!

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  1. So Happy that you will be finished with your new home… but your Mom & Bill are sure going to miss you! You are so much fun to have around! They will be SAD!

  2. Cool dude! Check out my blog – I have a project for you 😉
    Oh – and my favorite band cancelled the gig I bought tickets for too – I love them too much to call them Jerks…but still..

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