
Good things happen, then bad things happen, then mistakes happen, then it rains. You know, but you live with it. And actually I’m very happy about things today, despite the chill in the air. The basement is done, I mean all the water proofing is done. I got a bit of shock when they said I should let the floor breath for a month before I painted it. Then he said I could paint little sections, so that’s what I’m going to do. Tape off the newly poured edge, and clean. Then seal and paint the area under the desk, washer, dryer, and big storage thingie. I can move all the other things around. So now I’m too the painting part. Besides the floor bit I still need to finish the walls down there, take off old windows and rework the frames (when it’s not raining), and then paint the new windows. Plus the stairwell and the stairs, I’m still cooking up the perfect color for those. I picked out colors today for the fireplace, because I liked Erika’s idea to do the things that bugged me first most, plus my mom’s of getting one room done. I think that’s the living room for me. The first one people see. I’d like it to be all cozy and done. And with this cold coming in I want to light a fire so badly!
It seriously has a bit of every color of my house in it. I love it. And with Sciarrino sitting there typing it nearly looks like a real home, right? Oh ya, the doors, hmm, that’s not high on the list I gotta tell you. I’d rather move in and set up my sewing machine so I can have some curtains, that IS bugging me.

I’m actually just killing time right now while I wait for a 15 year olds phone call to pick him up from an after game dance. Yup, I’m watching Nick and Lacey again this weekend, love those guys. Ceara also just came into town today, after delays. Miss her like crazy, and haven’t even had a chance to see her because she’s in a wedding and off doing wedding things. Hopefully tomorrow night I can get her thoughts on my house. I’ve got butterflies in my stomach waiting to hear what she thinks of everything. Scairrino and I are hitting a big sale tomorrow, then more work, then a waterpolo game for Lacey. Sunday is the wedding, I doubt I’ll update, but you never know!

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