The Optimist

Even though I might be going slightly crazy:
Yeah, 2,812.40 dollars later. You do realize I only had one side done right? Now I really want to roll the side yard flat and put gravel and flowers and trees in planters there, but it will have to wait. Even Franklin looks pissed. I told the fence guy I had to take pictures of everything he’s all, "ya, I noticed that…"

I have a pressure check for the gas tomorrow, then I have to paint the pipes, so I might have hot water very very soon. I am watching my little friends Hogan for until Sunday noon, so I might not be able to update as much as I like.

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  1. I feel a little disconnected from cottage, I haven’t been there for two whole days. Need any help? lol
    Good news the fence guy is gone, his focus wasn’t up to par. 😉

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