My lovely swap buddy was Emily. She sent me all these goodies, and two other things that I snatched up right away to take to my new place: funky napkins and a pretty bar of soap. I think my favorite thing of all is that vintage hip frame, I’ve never seen those before, so cool. …
Monthly Archives: August 2006
Accidental Thrifting
I swear I wasn’t setting out for this, but when a trip to Goodwill yields no jars, and the overwhelming fear that Bill’s doomsday predictions of me not being able to find any more is coming true, I must buy other things to compensate!And isn’t this a strange base for a globe? Strange but AWESOME!
Side Splitting
I don’t think there is much in the world that feels as good as a great side splitting laugh. One of those soda pop out your nose, get the hiccups, snorting laughs. The uncontrolable ones that you couldn’t stop if you wanted to. Well every once and a while I laugh like that when I …
Does any one own a button maker? Like a really nice one? Anyone want to lead me in any kind of direction here. Is this the kind of thing that is okay to get off eBay? I was thinking something like this, or this set off eBay. And why are these so expensive? Anyone? edited …
Now the hard work
Maybe my favorite change in the basement. The stairs open like this are so nice. I’m going to save up for a rod iron railing piece and have it powder coated white. The little wall behind the stairs blocks the water heater and furnace, so it will be quite over in Ribbon Jar land. The …
First the Good Stuff
Okay seriously this weekend was phenomenal for getting the old stuff, the old good stuff that is. After the thrilling morning on Friday Sciarrino, Brain, Melissa (his girlfriend) and I headed to the McNary Estates garage sale. They only have it one day a year and this year 97 families were participating. We still had …
A Prayer to the thrifting Gods
The paper said it first, a church pew, at an estate sale. I had to have it, entry way, what? what? A dollar each, love the type on these, and I love having little bits of chowder or a handful of crackers in this size of thing. I am going to have the weirdest collection …
Your mission, should you choose to accept it…
Do you have a nasty (usually brown) old thermostat? Like this: Do you want your old place to look like it has a whole new heating system? Do you want to save the earth one little unit of energy at a time? Do you want to save money too? Then you need a new programable …
Continue reading “Your mission, should you choose to accept it…”
Bizzaro Salem
Today was the weirdest day, just plain psycho weird. You know that episode of Seinfeld where Elaine starts hanging out with Bizarro Jerry? Well it was Bizarro Salem today. First of all I spent the night last night up in Portland and as I was driving back into town I see this sign "incident ahead" …
Violet Clementine
I love little baby Violet. Spent the day hanging out with Michele and the babe today. Baby love, it’s the best. Baby Violet and Mommy: My favorite:I remembered to have Brett take one of me and Violet together, doesn’t she look like she’s kinda smiling? hehehe. Oh and on a totally separate note I stopped …