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  1. eeeeeek! that globe is awesome!!!! the base is to die for (i’m a nut for anything astrological/zodiac).
    wanted to let you know that i mailed out kim’s pkg. at the beginning of last week (priority), so she should have gotten it 🙂

  2. Amber, I picked up a small globe (around 8″ tall?) at the Target dollar spot the other day. $2.00!
    You can see a picture of it on my blog next to my passport.
    Just thought it may be one you could add to your collection.

  3. I LOVE really cool, surprise thrift store finds. I haven’t been to my local one in several weeks, so I think a trip might be in order soon. Just wandered into your blog, and really enjoying it!

  4. that globe is awesome with the signs on the bottom! there is something cool about globes and maps that I like. you find the best STUFF, I really think it’s your eye and not really luck.

  5. I am having a moment of remembering!! We had that very globe with those symbols on the base when I was a kid!!! Enjoy!

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