I got it people: Other Person: "You look so young" Me: "Well, you certainly look your age, what is it? 50?" ahhahahhahah. In better news, I got to call the winner of my guess the yardage contest yesterday, Laura. It was so much fun. I told her she won and she was like, NO! And …
Monthly Archives: June 2006
The next person I’m punching
Seriously, this can’t be happening to me. I’ve regressed. I mean I might as well give back my college degree because everyone treats me like an a frigin five year old. Okay yes that is an exaggeration, but this whole age thing has gotten out of control. Let me set up a little picture for …
Up to 1 inch
There are some things people born in Oregon just know. If a weatherman says that it may rain up to an inch that basically means it’s going to be raining from when you wake up until when you go to sleep and there will be no good light to take the pictures you need to …