The Sweater…

Is done! And I wore to church for Easter today! I love it, love it, love. It fits excellently and I love it. Oh and I love it some more. And I think I’m ultra fantastic. Seriously I feel so great about doing this. I predict me wearing this until it’s thread bare. Here is a little detail.

I just want to say for those who will answer this post saying you can’t do it, you can! It’s not that hard to read a pattern like this (it was written very well). There are really just five big pieces, and putting them together was not that scary, nor was the collar. It is totally doable first sweater. Details:
Rowan Knitting & Crochet Magazine Number 39 Spring/Summer 2006 Pages 43, 116-117. Lizzi by Sarah Hatton. Called for all seasons cotton but I knit this up in Debbie Bliss cashmerino aran color: 300502

Thanks Bj for taking the pictures of me!

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  1. It looks so good in person! Thanks for letting me take pictures of you. 🙂
    Happy Easter!

  2. Love the sweater. It suits you, especially that color.
    I envy your many talents. So glad that you share them

  3. Amazing… Love it… When do I get to wear it? Perhaps I will find you a brooche today:)!

  4. Amber, love it! Glad I could see you slaving away from the beginning to see the final wonderful end product! ITs PERFECT!

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