The little ones Auntie came and got them today, so I’m officially off child duty for a while. This morning Hogan asked me what school I went to and I said, “I’m all done with school, I’m a grown up now.” And he looked at me like, ya, whatever woman. But I am a grown …
Monthly Archives: April 2006
We have been waiting for that sofa and the chair for months, months! They place my mom ordered it from kept saying, 6 weeks, well 6 more weeks, actually 2 months, oh wait no, more like FOREVER. I think we ordered these in October, am I right mom? Ya, they came today, but how cool, …
Before I Became a Home Maker
Before I was watching the little ones I managed to get a few fun things done on Sunday. For you Sue: To get your crafting mojo back! And I worked on a little scrapbook for my knitting: I finally used one of my little compliments albums Bj got for me from CHA last year (or …
Sleep Like a Baby? No Thanks
I’m watching Karsen and Hogan again, and Karsen is sick again, poor baby. She has this pathetic cough, but she’s still so smiley… that is until it’s the middle of the night and she starts wailing. This morning she woke me up at 2:30, coughing and crying. I picked her up, gave her some medicine, and then …
Sunny Day
It was a sunny Saturday today and Bj surprised me by taking me to the tulip fields in nearby Woodburn. It was windy but really really pretty. All those colors! I can’t wait until I have my own yard, I am going to plant it full of tulips in the fall, I mean what a …
Flips and Spins
Thursday night I went to the NCAA Gymnastics Championships. It was held at Oregon State this year, and our team made it to the championships so the retired crew girlies thought we should make an appearance and cheer for Beaver pride. Sciarrino was there too, but I think because I see Sciarrino so often that …
Okay so you know there are guys here working on the kitchen right? Well they are real talkers, talk all day long about everything. Just heard this, thought I’d share: Tile guy one: "I want to go to Venezuela"Tile guy two: "oh"Tile guy one: "Have you seen the movie Anaconda?"Tile guy two: "no"Tile guy one: …
Free Association Wednesday
space Use the little the little comment thingie down there to tell me the first thing that came to your mind when you read that. If you need help just see the first free …
I have this fab-u-lous friend Kay, with whom I reconnected with because of this blog (it is by far the greatest reward of this blog). Ever since we re-connected about a year ago we’ve been emailing and sending little things back and forth. We’ve also become each others importer/exporter for goods from the other country. …
Today was all about Jesus. Oh, and Chuck Norris. After our breakfast pie (yum, thanks mom, you are an amazing cook – even with no kitchen!) we went to a family storage unit so I could get some of my things and move them to my own storage unit. It was Brent, Taylor, Bj and …