I can hardly describe how super awesome this show is. I had never heard of it while it was on the air, and if I had I would have definitely participated in the save wonderfalls campaign. I guess it was on two years ago on Fox, well okay I don’t guess, I know because I looked it up, but anyway. It’s so weird and fantastic. The main character, Jaye, starts having little inanimate objects talk to her and tell her to do things. It’s an hour long drama/comedy and did I mention it’s awesome. All the actors are so amazing, and the lead guy, Eric, is HOT!!! He is played by Tyron Leitso, whom I had never heard of before, but who is super awesome. Emilie and I bought the series at Borders with a coupon and watched all 13 episodes this weekend. If you get the chance to watch it you should, and then you should re-watch it over and over. The “Lick the light switch” quote is from the funniest episode: Cocktail Bunny. Um, ya, so that’s my recommendation for the day.
I LOVED Wonderfalls!! I totally watched it when it first came out. I was bummed it was cancelled. 🙁 Another DVD set I need now – thanks! 🙂