“When you’ve given up, given up…”

Mom Jeans.

So SNL has a bunch of skits and parodies up on iTunes now and I just had to get this on called Mom Jeans. These are so funny. I got the screen captures while I was playing the video over and over.
It’s all sing songy:

She’ll love the nine inch zipper and casual front pleats. Cut generously to fit a mom’s body.

And with your choice of ankle length, capri length or shorts you’ll find the perfect jean for even the least active moms.

Give her something that says, “I’m not a woman anymore, I’m a mom!”

Mom jeans, mom jeans, when you’ve given up, put your mom jeans on.

The funny sad part is the pants I was wearing today came up past my belly button and they have a nine inch (!!!) zipper. I know that is so NOT okay, but they were super on sale when I got them, and I swore I would only wear them with really long tops (the one I was wearing today came down past my butt), but after seeing this I want to burn them. The shame! God, at least they are not jeans.

Okay back to the real world, today was busy again. Yesterday I worked from 10 am to 11 pm on Ribbon Jar. Today I was hoping I could be done with vital stuff by noon so I could go into the city and shop with Beachwood. I really need to see her, remember that project I was working on forever that I didn’t get to show you yet? Well it’s all wrapped up, but I didn’t finish in time, so I couldn’t get together with her, I’m bummed. And now I’m really in trouble because Bj has this company party Saturday night and I have nothing to wear. But at least my hair will be presentable. I got an AWESOME cut and color from my cousin Jenny, the prego one. I love my hair so much it makes me feel like a big dork butt for not getting it done sooner. I don’t know what I was thinking, well I sorta do. I was all, oh what if I get married soon, I don’t want to cut it. Today I was just like screw it I’m not going to have long hair for years just because it might happen, that’s stupid. I feel so liberated now. What do you think?

Jenny used a flat iron, I’ve never tried one myself, but I really like how it looks. I’ll have to wait on that since I have to buy a new blow drier, ugh. I told you that I threw away my perfectly good blow dryer right? I can’t remember, just in case: I went to use my blow dryer and it totally wasn’t working so I figured it was done for and put it in with all my other, um, “bathroom garbage” and chucked it. A few days later I borrowed my moms and plugged it in and it didn’t work. Then I look at the light on my electric toothbrush and it’s gone out, and that’s when I realize it’s the outlet not the dryer. So I go out to the big garbage and fish out my blow dryer. Well the drop into the bin busted it up for real, so now I do have to get a new one. I’m such a moron sometimes.

Jenny used a flat iron, I’ve never tried one myself, but I really like how it looks. I’ll have to wait on that since I have to buy a new blow drier, ugh. I told you that I threw away my perfectly good blow dryer right? I can’t remember, just in case: I went to use my blow dryer and it totally wasn’t working so I figured it was done for and put it in with all my other, um, “bathroom garbage” and chucked it. A few days later I borrowed my moms and plugged it in and it didn’t work. Then I look at the light on my electric toothbrush and it’s gone out, and that’s when I realize it’s the outlet not the dryer. So I go out to the big garbage and fish out my blow dryer. Well the drop into the bin busted it up for real, so now I do have to get a new one. I’m such a moron sometimes. 

So after my wonderful haircut experience I heading into Portland to have dinner with a dear friend of mine from high school, Matt. We ate at one of my favorite places, Marrakesh. I love Moroccan food, I love eating on the floor, I love it all. Tonight there was a belly dancer and we were talking about this and that, and I’m thinking to myself, “that dancer getting awfully close to Matt.” Then all the sudden she starts wrapping her scarf thing around him, but it’s hard because of his glasses. We were busting up so bad, then I realized I had my camera with me to get a picture of him for my my Peeps album. I go, “sorry Matt, but I have to get a picture of this.” Everyone was clapping and the music was loud, it was great. The dancer jumped right in the picture, check it out under my picture of the day album. I drove home after dinner because I’m feeling the effects of little cold I picked up somewhere.

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  1. I’m cracking up at the whole Mom jeans thing…a co-worker friend & I are always laughing about that very subject.
    Awesome haircut! Looks great :).
    And the picture of your friend & the belly dancer….freakin’ hilarious.

  2. Matt looks as if he’s having a whole lotta fun!
    Your hair looks fabulous… can’t wait to see it live!

  3. Um, your haircut looks freaking awesome! I LOVE it! Don’t you love it when you get a haircut that you really love? That just happened to me! So great!
    Glad you had fun with your friend! 🙂

  4. lololol you really have to burn your jeans girl because they are so wrong with your new cute haircut!
    wow you own a ribbonstore, how cool is that I so LOVE ribbon, it would be heaven to me, lol.

  5. the mom jeans thing is so funny 🙂 i was just watching oprah yesterday where trinny & suzannah were banning mom jeans, so it was still fresh in my mind.
    your hair looks wonderful! have fun!

  6. OMG! The mom jeans is hilarious! I remember when that came on. And I was ROLLING when reading about the belly dancer and Matt! I can just picture it! Haven’t seen him in forever! Hope he’s well! 🙂

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