I’ve been busy

Okay so I finally put together a photo album I’ve been wanting to do since I started blogging. This is a my peeps album. All the people I talk about. So you can have a nice visual reference. Check it out over on the side bar. I’ve listed who they, relation to me, and perhaps an interesting fact or two. There are definitely some missing links, and if that’s you watch out because I’m going to find some old funny picture of you and scan it in. I did do some other things today, mostly listing a bunch of stuff on eBay. If you’ve had your eye on my wondrous Coach bag, now is your chance. I need the money more than the bag, so up it goes. Also a dressy suit skirt combo that I thought I would wear to interviews and stuff, but turns out I got hired no problem. My bridesmaid dress is up there, and the Nikon lens that came in the kit for my D50, I already had one, so this ones up on the block. I’m going to list some more stuff tomorrow so check it. I’ll leave you with this:

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  1. How fun! I’m off to peep your peeps! BTW, I love the idea of a photo a day! I definitely don’t have the disipline to do one every day, But I’m going to peep yours for sure! 🙂

  2. thanks for the include in the album…those boots are made for walkin’ see you tomorrow nite??

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