Ode to Elastic

Okay so I’m slightly stressed out. It’s in a good way, but still. Different magazines are wanting images and samples of my ribbon and since it’s perma-fog-low-light-land outside I haven’t been able to get good pictures. It’s very exciting that people even know what the Ribbon Jar is, but really overwhelming too. I just want to do everything right. Plus of course everything I’m giving as gifts is homemade. Which is awesome and fun, but time consuming. I really REALLY want to show pictures on my blog of all the goodies I have been cooking up, but I can’t because the gifters all read the blog, except maybe my dad, but you know the one time I put something up here I don’t want him to see he’d read it. So no pictures. Maybe I’ll clean my craft space tomorrow and post pictures of it.

Things making me happy:

-elastic pants (in my family they are called Joggins)
-songs Bj’s friend Brian wrote
-crafting up a storm, and things coming out like I designed them
-diet coke
-my Dad inviting me to dinner for no reason
-super advent (Q of the day: "What are Miss Piggy’s measurements)
-comments on my blog – love you guys!
-pulling and packing orders
-finding suitably designed wrapping paper for my gifts
-someone telling me: "I like that you have things that mean something to you, instead of just stuff"
-my Mom and Bill getting home, I get a little creeped out being here alone at night
-the colors green and red together
-did I mention Joggins? Elastic = one of the top 5 inventions EVER, it so does not get the respect it deserves!!

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